Funding successes: January 2024

Congratulations to all members of the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our round-up of the latest funding successes.

Please note, this list comprises awards that have recently been set up on College’s grants management system, with some manual additions. It may not, therefore, include all new grants awarded to Principal Investigators in the Department.

Project Lead Funder Combined Scheme Project Title Amount
Sudhin Thayyil NIHR National Institute for Health Research NIHR HTA Programme Researcher-Led open call Cooling in mild neonatal encephalopathy (COMET) trial £2,075,200
Fatemeh Geranmayeh Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust BRC funding BRC Small Project funding 23-26: Implementing unsupervised online neuropsychological testing within the clinical stroke care pathway £50,000
Simone Di Giovanni Department of the Army Spinal Cord Injury Research Program (SCIRP) – Investigator-Initiated Investigating the repair ability and mechanisms of combinatorial pharmacological and biomaterial-based intervention after experimental spinal cord injury £375,000
Paul Matthews Erik Mayer, Declan O’Regan, Wenjia Bai Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd (0034) BMS I-Care Study £380,000
Johanna Jackson Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Research Leadership Fellowship Synaptic multi-omics £550,000
Shoumitro Deb Baily Thomas Charitable Trust EFFECTiveness of interventions for behaviours that challenge in adults with intellectual disabilities using UK primary care health records (EFFECT): a feasibility study £120,000