Funding successes: October 2021

Congratulations to all members of the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our round-up of the latest funding successes.

Please note, this list comprises awards that have recently been set up on College’s grants management system, with some manual additions. It may not, therefore, include all new grants awarded to Principal Investigators in the Department.


Principal Investigator Fellow/Student Group Funding scheme Funder Proposal title  Award amount (£) 
Professor Sudhin Thayyil Maria Moreno Morales Clinical Neurology Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship Imperial Health Charity Early aEEG and EEG features identification in mild HIE 60,630
Professor Paul Matthews Clinical Neurology Clean Air: Analysis & Solutions Preparing for Future Clean Air Challenges Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Hazard Identification Platform to Define the Health Impacts associated with Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutant Exposures 639,793*
Professor Mike Crawford Psychiatry NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme Researcher-led 19102 National Institute for Health Research The Selfharm, Assessment, Formulation, Engagement Trial of Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy (SAFE-PIT) 40,625
Dr Nir Grossman Neuroscience Transformative Healthcare Technologies Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council Non-invasive multi-site arbitrary 3D focused electrical brain stimulation therapy 302,810*
Professor David Sharp Clinical Neurology n/a The Advance (Armed Services Trauma Rehabilitation Outcome Study) Charity ADVANCE – TBI 1,889,457*
Giulio Anichini Zeiss Operative Neurosurgery Research Grants EANS – European Association of Neurosurgical Societies Use of non-invasive optical analysis in neurosurgery 8,521


*Include sub-projects