Latest publications: November 2020

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Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

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Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
Biomarkers of treatment success in fully sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a multicenter longitudinal study. Biomarkers in Medicine Journal Article Nikolayevskyy V, Balabanova Y, Kontsevaya I, Ignatyeva O, Skenders G, Vasiliauskiene E, Bockel DV, Drobniewski F 03/11/2020
Cardiometabolic Traits, Sepsis, and Severe COVID-19: A Mendelian Randomization Investigation. Circulation Letter, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Ponsford MJ, Gkatzionis A, Walker VM, Grant AJ, Wootton RE, Moore LSP, Fatumo S, Mason AM, Zuber V, Willer C, Rasheed H, Brumpton B, Hveem K, Kristian Damås J, Davies N, Olav Åsvold B, Solligård E, Jones S, Burgess S, Rogne T, Gill D 03/11/2020
Clinical perspectives on treatment of rifampicin-resistant/multidrug-resistant TB. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Journal Article Cox V, McKenna L, Acquah R, Reuter A, Wasserman S, Vambe D, Ustero P, Udwadia Z, Triviño-Duran L, Tommasi M, Skrahina A, Seddon JA, Rodolfo R, Rich M, Padanilam X, Oyewusi L, Ohler L, Lungu P, Loveday M, Khan U, Khan P, Hughes J, Hewison C, Guglielmetti L, Furin J 01/11/2020
Comparative Evaluation of MIRONAUT-AM and CLSI broth microdilution method for antifungal susceptibility testing of Aspergillus species against four commonly used antifungals. Medical Mycology Journal Article Nuh A, Ramadan N, Schelenz S, Armstrong-James D 10/11/2020
Construction of a complete set of Neisseria meningitidis mutants and its use for the phenotypic profiling of this human pathogen. Nature Communications Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Muir A, Gurung I, Cehovin A, Bazin A, Vallenet D, Pelicic V 02/11/2020
Evaluation of the efficacy of sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir in combination with ribavirin for hospitalized COVID-19 patients with moderate disease compared with standard care: a single-centre, randomized controlled trial. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Comparative Study, Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Abbaspour Kasgari H, Moradi S, Shabani AM, Babamahmoodi F, Davoudi Badabi AR, Davoudi L, Alikhani A, Hedayatizadeh Omran A, Saeedi M, Merat S, Wentzel H, Garratt A, Levi J, Simmons B, Hill A, Tirgar Fakheri H 01/11/2020
First human efficacy study of a plant-derived influenza vaccine. The Lancet Journal Article Tregoning JS 07/11/2020
Immunotherapeutic approaches for fungal infections. Current Opinion in Microbiology Journal Article, Review Williams TJ, Harvey S, Armstrong-James D 01/11/2020
Impact of a community-wide combination HIV prevention intervention on knowledge of HIV status among adolescents. AIDS Journal Article Shanaube K, Schaap A, Hoddinott G, Mubekapi-Musadaidzwa C, Floyd S, Bock P, Hayes R, Fidler S, Ayles H, HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team 05/11/2020
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on tuberculosis laboratory services in Europe. European Respiratory Journal Letter Nikolayevskyy V, Holicka Y, van Soolingen D, van der Werf MJ, Ködmön C, Surkova E, Hillemann D, Groenheit R, Cirillo D, ERLTB-Net-2 study participants 12/11/2020
Impact of virus subtype and host IFNL4 genotype on large-scale RNA structure formation in the genome of hepatitis C virus. RNA Journal Article Simmonds P, Cuypers L, Irving WL, McLauchlan J, Cooke GS, Barnes E, STOP-HCV Consortium, Ansari MA 11/2020
Mechanism of auto-inhibition and activation of Mec1ATR checkpoint kinase. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Journal Article Tannous EA, Yates LA, Zhang X, Burgers PM 09/11/2020
Modelling the roles of antibody titre and avidity in protection from Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection following RTS,S/AS01 vaccination. Vaccine Journal Article Thompson HA, Hogan AB, Walker PGT, White MT, Cunnington AJ, Ockenhouse CF, Ghani AC 03/11/2020
Objective and subjective rapid frailty screening tools in people with HIV. HIV Medicine Journal Article Beanland A, Alagaratnam J, Goffe C, Bailey A, Dosekun O, Petersen C, Ayap W, Garvey LJ, Walsh J, Mackie NE, Winston A 05/11/2020
Oleic acid restores suppressive defects in tissue-resident FOXP3 regulatory T cells from patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Clinical Investigation Journal Article Pompura SL, Wagner A, Kitz A, Laperche J, Yosef N, Dominguez-Villar M, Hafler D 10/11/2020
Opportunities for Mobile App-Based Adherence Support for Children With Tuberculosis in South Africa. JMIR mHealth and uHealth Journal Article Morse RM, Myburgh H, Reubi D, Archey AE, Busakwe L, Garcia-Prats AJ, Hesseling AC, Jacobs S, Mbaba S, Meyerson K, Seddon JA, van der Zalm MM, Wademan DT, Hoddinott G 11/11/2020
Preexisting and de novo humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in humans. Science Journal Article Ng KW, Faulkner N, Cornish GH, Rosa A, Harvey R, Hussain S, Ulferts R, Earl C, Wrobel AG, Benton DJ, Roustan C, Bolland W, Thompson R, Agua-Doce A, Hobson P, Heaney J, Rickman H, Paraskevopoulou S, Houlihan CF, Thomson K, Sanchez E, Shin GY, Spyer MJ, Joshi D, O’Reilly N, Walker PA, Kjaer S, Riddell A, Moore C, Jebson BR, Wilkinson M, Marshall LR, Rosser EC, Radziszewska A, Peckham H, Ciurtin C, Wedderburn LR, Beale R, Swanton C, Gandhi S, Stockinger B, McCauley J, Gamblin SJ, McCoy LE, Cherepanov P, Nastouli E, Kassiotis G 06/11/2020
Psychotic disorders in young adults with perinatally acquired HIV: a UK case series. Psychological Medicine Journal Article Mallik I, Pasvol T, Frize G, Ayres S, Barrera A, Fidler S, Foster C 13/11/2020
Rapid detection of azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in clinical and environmental isolates using lab-on-a-chip diagnostic system Journal of Clinical Microbiology Article Yu L-S, Rodriguez-Manzano J, Moser N, Moniri A, Malpartida-Cardenas K, Miscourides N, Sewell T, Kochina T, Brackin A, Rhodes J, Holmes AH, Fisher MC, Georgiou P 11/2020
Sofosbuvir and daclatasvir compared with standard of care in the treatment of patients admitted to hospital with moderate or severe coronavirus infection (COVID-19): a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Clinical Trial, Phase III, Comparative Study, Journal Article, Multicenter Study, Randomized Controlled Trial, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Sadeghi A, Ali Asgari A, Norouzi A, Kheiri Z, Anushirvani A, Montazeri M, Hosamirudsai H, Afhami S, Akbarpour E, Aliannejad R, Radmard AR, Davarpanah AH, Levi J, Wentzel H, Qavi A, Garratt A, Simmons B, Hill A, Merat S 01/11/2020
The effect of universal testing and treatment on HIV stigma in 21 communities in Zambia and South Africa. AIDS Journal Article Stangl AL, Pliakas T, Mainga T, Steinhaus M, Mubekapi-Musadaidzwa C, Viljoen L, Dunbar R, Schaap A, Floyd S, Mandla N, Bond V, Hoddinott G, Fidler S, Hayes R, Ayles H, Bock P, Donnell D, Hargreaves JR, HPTN 071 (PopART) study team 15/11/2020
The impact of sofosbuvir/daclatasvir or ribavirin in patients with severe COVID-19. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Eslami G, Mousaviasl S, Radmanesh E, Jelvay S, Bitaraf S, Simmons B, Wentzel H, Hill A, Sadeghi A, Freeman J, Salmanzadeh S, Esmaeilian H, Mobarak M, Tabibi R, Jafari Kashi AH, Lotfi Z, Talebzadeh SM, Wickramatillake A, Momtazan M, Hajizadeh Farsani M, Marjani S, Mobarak S 01/11/2020
The under-representation of BAME patients in the COVID-19 Recovery trial at a major London NHS Trust. Journal of Infection Letter Gardiner T, Cooke G, Fidler S, Cooper N, Young L 12/11/2020
Vaccines for COVID-19. Clinical and Experimental Immunology Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t, Review Tregoning JS, Brown ES, Cheeseman HM, Flight KE, Higham SL, Lemm N-M, Pierce BF, Stirling DC, Wang Z, Pollock KM 2020-11