Latest publications: June 2024

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

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Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
A computational framework to improve cross-platform implementation of transcriptomics signatures. EBioMedicine Journal Article, Review Kreitmann L, D’Souza G, Miglietta L, Vito O, Jackson HR, Habgood-Coote D, Levin M, Holmes A, Kaforou M, Rodriguez-Manzano J 19/06/2024
A Nanopore Sequencing-based Pharmacogenomic Panel to Personalize Tuberculosis Drug Dosing. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Journal Article Verma R, da Silva KE, Rockwood N, Wasmann RE, Yende N, Song T, Kim E, Denti P, Wilkinson RJ, Andrews JR 15/06/2024
A targeted single mutation in influenza A virus universal epitope transforms immunogenicity and protective immunity via CD4<SUP>+</SUP> T cell activation Cell Reports Article, Journal Hulin-Curtis S, Geary JK, Maclachlan BJ, Altmann DM, Baillon L, Cole DK, Greenshields-Watson A, Hesketh SJ, Humphreys IR, Jones IM, Lauder SN, Mason GH, Smart K, Scourfield DO, Scott J, Sukhova K, Stanton RJ, Wall A, Rizkallah PJ, Barclay WS, Gallimore A, Godkin A 25/06/2024
Age-specific nasal epithelial responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection (Vol 6, pg 1293, 2024) Nature Microbiology Correction, Early Access, Journal Woodall MNJ, Cujba A-M, Worlock KB, Case K-M, Masonou T, Yoshida M, Polanski K, Huang N, Lindeboom RGH, Mamanova L, Bolt L, Richardson L, Cakir B, Ellis S, Palor M, Burgoyne T, Pinto A, Moulding D, Mchugh TD, Saleh A, Kilich E, Mehta P, O’Callaghan C, Zhou J, Barclay W, De Coppi P, Butler CR, Cortina-Borja M, Vinette H, Roy S, Breuer J, Chambers RC, Heywood WE, Mills K, Hynds RE, Teichmann SA, Meyer KB, Nikolic MZ, Smith CM 01/05/2024
Associations between HIV stigma and health-related quality-of-life among people living with HIV: cross-sectional analysis of data from HPTN 071 (PopART). Scientific Reports Journal Article Hall E, Davis K, Ohrnberger J, Pickles M, Gregson S, Thomas R, Hargreaves JR, Pliakas T, Bwalya J, Dunbar R, Mainga T, Shanaube K, Hoddinott G, Bond V, Bock P, Ayles H, Stangl AL, Donnell D, Hayes R, Fidler S, Hauck K, HPTN 071 (PopART) study team 04/06/2024
Bacterial esterases reverse lipopolysaccharide ubiquitylation to block host immunity. Cell Host and Microbe Journal Article Szczesna M, Huang Y, Lacoursiere RE, Bonini F, Pol V, Koc F, Ward B, Geurink PP, Pruneda JN, Thurston TLM 12/06/2024
Cell Culture Evaluation Hints Widely Available HIV Drugs Are Primed for Success if Repurposed for HTLV-1 Prevention. Pharmaceuticals Journal Article Kalemera MD, Maher AK, Dominguez-Villar M, Maertens GN 05/06/2024
Ciprofloxacin prophylaxis during haematopoietic cell transplantation: a role for use in patients with germ cell tumours? Journal of Medical Microbiology Journal Article Kavallieros K, Baltas I, Konstantinou G, Koutoumanou E, Gibani MM, Gilchrist M, Davies F, Pavlu J 01/06/2024
Classification of early tuberculosis states to guide research for improved care and prevention: an international Delphi consensus exercise The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Article, Journal Coussens AK, Zaidi SMA, Allwood BW, Dewan PK, Gray G, Kohli M, Kredo T, Marais BJ, Marks GB, Martinez L, Ruhwald M, Scriba TJ, Seddon JA, Tisile P, Warner DF, Wilkinson RJ, Esmail H, Houben RMGJ 01/06/2024
Development of an inhibitor of the mutagenic SOS response that suppresses the evolution of quinolone antibiotic resistance Chemical Science Article, Early Access, Journal Bradbury JD, Hodgkinson T, Thomas AM, Tanwar O, La Monica G, Rogga VV, Mackay LJ, Taylor EK, Gilbert K, Zhu Y, Sefton AY, Edwards AM, Gray-Hammerton CJ, Smith GR, Roberts PM, Walsh TR, Lanyon-Hogg T 16/06/2024
Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Case-Finding Strategies: Scoping Review. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance Journal Article, Review van Wyk SS, Nliwasa M, Lu F-W, Lan C-C, Seddon JA, Hoddinott G, Viljoen L, Günther G, Ruswa N, Shah NS, Claassens M 26/06/2024
Epidemiology and Management of Pediatric Group A Streptococcal Pneumonia With Parapneumonic Effusion: An Observational Study. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Journal Article Lees EA, Williams TC, Marlow R, Fitzgerald F, Jones C, Lyall H, Bamford A, Pollock L, Smith A, Lamagni T, Kent A, Whittaker E, Group A Streptococcal Disease Consortium 19/06/2024
Evaluating the dynamics of hospital COVID-19 contacts and subsequent conversion to SARS-CoV-2 infection: a multi-centre retrospective cohort study Infection Prevention in Practice Article, Journal Okeke N, Snell LB, Rathish B, Hussein A, Newsholme W, Mack D, Breathnach A, Otter JA 01/06/2024
Exploring real-world vancomycin target attainment in neonatal intensive care in the context of Staphylococcal infections: a retrospective observational cohort study. Journal of Infection Journal article Blank M, Wilson RC, Wan Y, Peters J, Davies F, Tyszczuk L, Pichon B, Riezk A, Demirjian A, Brown CS, Gilchrist M, Holmes AH, Rawson TM 05/06/2024
Global trends in carbapenem- and difficult-to-treat-resistance among World Health Organization priority bacterial pathogens: ATLAS surveillance program 2018-2022 Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance Article, Journal Wise MG, Karlowsky JA, Mohamed N, Hermsen ED, Kamat S, Townsend A, Brink A, Soriano A, Paterson DL, Moore LSP, Sahm DF 01/06/2024
Gut microbes coordinate pulmonary immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA Journal Article, Comment Christodoulou C, Clarke TB 18/06/2024
Highlights from the 31st CROI: key communications with potential impact on future HIV clinical practice Review Alagaratnam J, Levi LI, van Bremen K, Mastrangelo A, Ambrosioni J 06/06/2024
Household contact management and preventive treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis The Lancet Global Health Journal article Seddon J, McQuaid C, Mafirakureva N, Hesseling A, Fox G, Dodd P 24/06/2024
Human antibody signatures towards the <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> major outer membrane protein after natural infection and vaccination EBioMedicine Article, Journal Rosenkrands I, Olsen AW, Knudsen S, Dehari N, Juel HB, Cheeseman HM, Andersen P, Shattock RJ, Follmann F 01/06/2024
Human SARS-CoV-2 challenge uncovers local and systemic response dynamics. Nature Journal Article Lindeboom RGH, Worlock KB, Dratva LM, Yoshida M, Scobie D, Wagstaffe HR, Richardson L, Wilbrey-Clark A, Barnes JL, Kretschmer L, Polanski K, Allen-Hyttinen J, Mehta P, Sumanaweera D, Boccacino JM, Sungnak W, Elmentaite R, Huang N, Mamanova L, Kapuge R, Bolt L, Prigmore E, Killingley B, Kalinova M, Mayer M, Boyers A, Mann A, Swadling L, Woodall MNJ, Ellis S, Smith CM, Teixeira VH, Janes SM, Chambers RC, Haniffa M, Catchpole A, Heyderman R, Noursadeghi M, Chain B, Mayer A, Meyer KB, Chiu C, Nikolić MZ, Teichmann SA 19/06/2024
Impact of interrupting antiretroviral therapy started during primary HIV-1 infection on plasma neurofilament light chain protein, a marker of neuronal injury: the SPARTAC trial Journal of Virus Eradication Journal article Alagaratnam J, Stöhr W, Hamlyn E, Porter K, Toombs J, Heslegrave A, Zetterberg H, Gisslén M, Underwood J, Schechter M, Kaleebu P, Tambussi G, Kinloch S, Miro JM, Kelleher AD, Babiker A, Frater J, Winston A, Fidler S 01/06/2024
Individuals with JAK1 variants are affected by syndromic features encompassing autoimmunity, atopy, colitis, and dermatitis. Journal of Experimental Medicine Systematic Review, Journal Article Horesh ME, Martin-Fernandez M, Gruber C, Buta S, Le Voyer T, Puzenat E, Lesmana H, Wu Y, Richardson A, Stein D, Hodeib S, Youssef M, Kurowski JA, Feuille E, Pedroza LA, Fuleihan RL, Haseley A, Hovnanian A, Quartier P, Rosain J, Davis G, Mullan D, Stewart O, Patel R, Lee AE, Rubinstein R, Ewald L, Maheshwari N, Rahming V, Chinn IK, Lupski JR, Orange JS, Sancho-Shimizu V, Casanova J-L, Abul-Husn NS, Itan Y, Milner JD, Bustamante J, Bogunovic D 03/06/2024
Is d -dimer a Useful Diagnostic Tool for Identifying Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children in Critically Unwell Children? The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Journal Article Duret A, Patel H, Lakkineni L, Roy RB, Mitting R, Whittaker E 05/06/2024
Is detergent-only cleaning paired with chlorine disinfection the best approach for cleaning? Journal of Hospital Infection Editorial Material, Journal Kiernan MA, Garvey MI, Norville P, Otter JA, Weber DJ 01/06/2024
Levelling the playing field through the London Network of the UK clinical trials accelerator platform Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Article, Journal Matthews J, Dobra R, Wilson G, Allen L, Bossley C, Brendell R, Brugha R, Brown D, Brown S, Cadiente S, Cameron L, Davies G, Dawson C, Elborn S, Hughes D, Longmate J, Macedo P, Pappas L, Pao C, Round C, Ruiz G, Saunders C, Shafi N, Simmonds N, Waller M, Watson D, Davies JC 01/06/2024
Modulation of Salmonella virulence by a novel SPI-2 injectisome effector that interacts with the dystrophin-associated protein complex. mBio Journal Article Yu X-J, Xie H, Li Y, Liu M, Hou R, Predeus AV, Perez Sepulveda BM, Hinton JCD, Holden DW, Thurston TLM 21/06/2024
Overview of the Participation of Nurses in Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities. Clinical Therapeutics: the international peer-reviewed journal of drug therapy Journal Article Castro-Sánchez E 01/06/2024
Phage-host co-evolution has led to distinct generalized transduction strategies Nucleic Acids Research Article, Early Access, Journal Wolput S, Lood C, Fillol-Salom A, Casters Y, Albasiony A, Cenens W, Vanoirbeek K, Kerremans A, Lavigne R, Penades JR, Aertsen A 22/07/2024
Population incidence and associated mortality of urinary tract infection in people living with dementia Journal of Infection Article, Journal Lai H, Kolanko M, Li LM, Parkinson ME, Bourke NJ, Graham NSN, David MCB, Mallas E-J, Su B, Daniels S, Wilson D, Golemme M, Norman C, Jensen K, Jackson R, Tran M, Freemont PS, Wingfield D, Wilkinson T, Gregg EW, Tzoulaki I, Sharp DJ, Soreq E 01/06/2024
Protocol for a semi-quantitative approach to identify protein S-palmitoylation in cultured cells by acyl biotin exchange assay STAR Protocols Article Leishman S, Aljadeed NMN, Anand P 21/06/2024
Providing urgent and emergency care to children and young people: training requirements for emergency medicine specialty trainees. European Journal of Emergency Medicine Journal Article Nijman RG, Schickerling C, Bognar Z, Brown R 03/06/2024
Respiratory health and the Syrian conflict: a scoping literature review. Medicine, Conflict and Survival Journal Article, Review Basha L, Hamze M, Socarras A, Akhtar M, Albaik A, Hussien I, Tarakji A, Hamadeh M, Loutfi R, Kewara M, Abbara A 01/06/2024
Sex inequalities in cardiovascular risk prediction. Cardiovascular Research Journal Article Elliott J, Bodinier B, Whitaker M, Wada R, Cooke G, Ward H, Tzoulaki I, Elliott P, Chadeau-Hyam M 04/06/2024
Should we worry about a growing threat from ” bird flu “? A major human outbreak of H5N1 is plausible, and the risk is high BMJ: British Medical Journal Editorial Material, Journal Dye C, Barclay WS 04/06/2024
Structural basis of broad SARS-CoV-2 cross-neutralization by affinity-matured public antibodies. Cell Reports Medicine Journal Article Sheward DJ, Pushparaj P, Das H, Greaney AJ, Kim C, Kim S, Hanke L, Hyllner E, Dyrdak R, Lee J, Dopico XC, Dosenovic P, Peacock TP, McInerney GM, Albert J, Corcoran M, Bloom JD, Murrell B, Karlsson Hedestam GB, Hällberg BM 18/06/2024
Sustained transmission over two decades of a previously unrecognised MPT64 negative Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain in Queensland, Australia: a whole genome sequencing study The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific Journal article Bainomugisa A, Pandey S, O’Connor B, Syrmis M, Whiley D, Sintchenko V, Coin LJM, Marais BJ, Coulter C 01/06/2024
Systemic prime mucosal boost significantly increases protective efficacy of bivalent RSV influenza viral vectored vaccine. npj Vaccines Journal Article Bissett C, Belij-Rammerstorfer S, Ulaszewska M, Smith H, Kailath R, Morris S, Powers C, Sebastian S, Sharpe HR, Allen ER, Wang Z, Cunliffe RF, Sallah HJ, Spencer AJ, Gilbert S, Tregoning JS, Lambe T 26/06/2024
The HIV Empowering Adults’ Decisions to Share: UK/Uganda (HEADS-UP) Study-A Randomised Feasibility Trial of an HIV Disclosure Intervention for Young Adults with Perinatally Acquired HIV AIDS and Behavior Article, Early Access, Journal Evangeli M, Gnan G, Musiime V, Fidler S, Seeley J, Frize G, Uwizera A, Lisi M, Foster C 01/06/2024
Towards a machine-learning assisted non-invasive classification of dengue severity using wearable PPG data: a prospective clinical study. EBioMedicine Journal Article, Observational Study Karolcik S, Manginas V, Chanh HQ, Daniels J, Giang NT, Huyen VNT, Hoang MTV, Phan Nguyen Quoc K, Hernandez B, Ming DK, Nguyen Van H, Phan TQ, Trieu HT, Luong Thi Hue T, Holmes AH, Thwaites L, Phan Vinh T, Yacoub S, Georgiou P, Vietnam ICU Translational Applications Laboratory (VITAL) Investigators 01/06/2024
Uncovering strain- and age-dependent innate immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in air-liquid-interface cultured nasal epithelia iScience Article, Journal Chang JJ-Y, Grimley SL, Tran BM, Deliyannis G, Tumpach C, Nguyen ANT, Steinig E, Zhang J, Schroder J, Caly L, McAuley J, Wong SL, Waters SA, Stinear TP, Pitt ME, Purcell D, Vincan E, Coin LJM 21/06/2024
Varicella zoster virus-induced autophagy in human neuronal and hematopoietic cells exerts antiviral activity. Journal of Medical Virology Journal Article Heinz JL, Hinke DM, Maimaitili M, Wang J, Sabli IKD, Thomsen M, Farahani E, Ren F, Hu L, Zillinger T, Grahn A, von Hofsten J, Verjans GMGM, Paludan SR, Viejo-Borbolla A, Sancho-Shimizu V, Mogensen TH 01/06/2024