Latest publications: August 2024

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

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Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
A noninvasive BCG skin challenge model for assessing tuberculosis vaccine efficacy. PLoS Biology Journal Article Krishnan N, Priestman M, Uhía I, Charitakis N, Glegola-Madejska IT, Baer TM, Tranberg A, Faraj A, Simonsson US, Robertson BD 19/08/2024
AI in conflict zones: the potential to revitalise healthcare in Syria and beyond. BMJ Global Health Journal Article Alkhalil M, Abbara A, Grangier C, Ekzayez A 07/08/2024
Altered co-stimulatory and inhibitory receptors on monocyte subsets in patients with visceral leishmaniasis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Journal Article Adem E, Yizengaw E, Mulaw T, Nibret E, Müller I, Takele Y, Kropf P 19/08/2024
An investigation of trachoma vaccine regimens by the chlamydia vaccine CTH522 administered with cationic liposomes in healthy adults (CHLM-02): a phase 1, double-blind trial. Lancet Infectious Diseases Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial, Clinical Trial, Phase I Pollock KM, Borges ÁH, Cheeseman HM, Rosenkrands I, Schmidt KL, Søndergaard RE, Day S, Evans A, McFarlane LR, Joypooranachandran J, Amini F, Skallerup P, Dohn RB, Jensen CG, Olsen AW, Bang P, Cole T, Schronce J, Lemm N-M, Kristiansen MP, Andersen PL, Dietrich J, Shattock RJ, Follmann F 01/08/2024
Antibodies against endogenous retroviruses. Immunological Reviews Journal Article, Review Chisca M, Larouche J-D, Xing Q, Kassiotis G 17/08/2024
Author Correction: Human SARS-CoV-2 challenge uncovers local and systemic response dynamics. Nature Published Erratum Lindeboom RGH, Worlock KB, Dratva LM, Yoshida M, Scobie D, Wagstaffe HR, Richardson L, Wilbrey-Clark A, Barnes JL, Kretschmer L, Polanski K, Allen-Hyttinen J, Mehta P, Sumanaweera D, Boccacino JM, Sungnak W, Elmentaite R, Huang N, Mamanova L, Kapuge R, Bolt L, Prigmore E, Killingley B, Kalinova M, Mayer M, Boyers A, Mann A, Swadling L, Woodall MNJ, Ellis S, Smith CM, Teixeira VH, Janes SM, Chambers RC, Haniffa M, Catchpole A, Heyderman R, Noursadeghi M, Chain B, Mayer A, Meyer KB, Chiu C, Nikolić MZ, Teichmann SA 01/08/2024
Bidirectional pilus processing in the Tad pilus system motor CpaF. Nature Communications Journal Article Hohl M, Banks EJ, Manley MP, Le TBK, Low HH 05/08/2024
Cardiac Adverse Events and Remdesivir in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: A Post Hoc Safety Analysis of the Randomized DisCoVeRy Trial. Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial, Multicenter Study Terzić V, Miantezila Basilua J, Billard N, de Gastines L, Belhadi D, Fougerou-Leurent C, Peiffer-Smadja N, Mercier N, Delmas C, Ferrane A, Dechanet A, Poissy J, Espérou H, Ader F, Hites M, Andrejak C, Greil R, Paiva J-A, Staub T, Tacconelli E, Burdet C, Costagliola D, Mentré F, Yazdanpanah Y, Diallo A, DisCoVeRy Study Group 16/08/2024
CK-666 and CK-869 differentially inhibit Arp2/3 iso-complexes. EMBO Reports Journal Article Cao L, Huang S, Basant A, Mladenov M, Way M 01/08/2024
Cryptic Congenital Malaria Infection Causing Fever of Unknown Origin in an Infant. Journal of Pediatrics Journal Article O’Mahony E, Ryan F, Hemandas H, Al-Sabbagh A, Cunnington A, Fitzgerald F 14/08/2024
Demographic characteristics and clinical features of patients presenting with different forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in Lay Gayint, Northern Ethiopia. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Journal Article Yizengaw E, Gashaw B, Yimer M, Takele Y, Nibret E, Yismaw G, Cruz Cervera E, Ejigu K, Tamiru D, Munshea A, Müller I, Weller R, Cotton JA, Chapman LAC, Kropf P 15/08/2024
Effectiveness of preventive treatment among different age groups and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection status: a systematic review and individual-participant data meta-analysis of contact tracing studies. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Journal Article, Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis Martinez L, Seddon JA, Horsburgh CR, Lange C, Mandalakas AM, TB Contact Studies Consortium 01/08/2024
Exploring real-world vancomycin target attainment in neonatal intensive care in the context of Staphylococcal infections: a retrospective observational cohort study. Journal of Infection Letter, Observational Study Blank M, Wilson RC, Wan Y, Peters J, Davies F, Tyszczuk L, Pichon B, Riezk A, Demirjian A, Brown CS, Gilchrist M, Holmes AH, Rawson TM 01/08/2024
Exposure to bacterial PAMPs before RSV infection exacerbates innate inflammation and disease via IL-1α and TNF-α. Mucosal Immunology Journal Article Owen AR, Farias A, Levins A-M, Wang Z, Higham SL, Mack M, Tregoning JS, Johansson C 09/08/2024
Extracellular proteolysis of tandemly duplicated pheromone propeptides affords additional complexity to bacterial quorum sensing. PLoS Biology Journal Article Felipe-Ruiz A, Zamora-Caballero S, Bendori SO, Penadés JR, Eldar A, Marina A 13/08/2024
FANCD2-FANCI surveys DNA and recognizes double- to single-stranded junctions. Nature Journal Article Alcón P, Kaczmarczyk AP, Ray KK, Liolios T, Guilbaud G, Sijacki T, Shen Y, McLaughlin SH, Sale JE, Knipscheer P, Rueda DS, Passmore LA 01/08/2024
Host-induced cell wall remodeling impairs opsonophagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus by neutrophils. mBio Journal Article Ledger EVK, Edwards AM 14/08/2024
Impact of a community-based participatory research project with underserved communities at risk for hepatitis C virus in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: an evaluation study. Research Involvement and Engagement Journal Article Thao MNL, Quoc GN, An MDT, Minh HN, Hong SP, Thai AH, Thi PT, Thanh VNT, Thi NT, Minh TN, Flower B, Cooke GS, Chambers M, Van Nuil JI 07/08/2024
Impact of antiretroviral therapy during primary HIV infection on T-cell immunity after treatment interruption. European Journal of Immunology Journal Article Tipoe T, Ogbe A, Lee M, Brown H, Robinson N, Hall R, Petersen C, Lewis H, Thornhill J, Ryan F, Fox J, Fidler S, Frater J 13/08/2024
MAVMET trial: maraviroc and/or metformin for metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease in adults with suppressed HIV. AIDS Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial, Multicenter Study McCabe L, Burns JE, Latifoltojar A, Post FA, Fox J, Pool E, Waters A, Santana B, Garvey L, Johnson M, McGuinness I, Chouhan M, Edwards J, Goodman AL, Cooke G, Murphy C, Collaco-Moraes Y, Webb H, Gregory A, Mohamed F, Rauchenberger M, Ryder SD, Sandford C, Baker JV, Angus B, Boesecke C, Orkin C, Punwani S, Clark A, Gilson R, Dunn D, Pett SL, the MAVMET Study group 01/08/2024
Microbial messengers: nucleic acid delivery by bacteria. Trends in Biotechnology Journal Article, Review Heggie A, Thurston TLM, Ellis T 07/08/2024
Multi-omics characterization of the monkeypox virus infection. Nature Communications Journal Article Huang Y, Bergant V, Grass V, Emslander Q, Hamad MS, Hubel P, Mergner J, Piras A, Krey K, Henrici A, Öllinger R, Tesfamariam YM, Dalla Rosa I, Bunse T, Sutter G, Ebert G, Schmidt FI, Way M, Rad R, Bowie AG, Protzer U, Pichlmair A 08/08/2024
Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir: real world drug-drug interaction management experience. Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy Journal Article Bukhari S, Hughes S, Mughal N, Moore LS, Davies G, Varghas-Zhang A, Ng M, Karagozlu Z, Boffito M 07/08/2024
Phenotypic heterogeneity follows a growth-viability tradeoff in response to amino acid identity. Nature Communications Journal Article Shabestary K, Klemm C, Carling B, Marshall J, Savigny J, Storch M, Ledesma-Amaro R 02/08/2024
Physiologic medium renders human iPSC-derived macrophages permissive for M. tuberculosis by rewiring organelle function and metabolism. mBio Journal Article Bussi C, Lai R, Athanasiadi N, Gutierrez MG 14/08/2024
Quantitative drug susceptibility testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis using unassembled sequencing data and machine learning. PLoS Computational Biology Journal Article CRyPTIC consortium 01/08/2024
Rationalizing irrational prescribing-infection-related attitudes and practices across paediatric surgery specialties in a hospital in South India. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance Journal Article Surendran S, Nampoothiri V, Dhar P, Holmes A, Singh S, Charani E 01/08/2024
Review of Current Tuberculosis Human Infection Studies for Use in Accelerating Tuberculosis Vaccine Development: A Meeting Report. Journal of Infectious Diseases Journal Article, Review Balasingam S, Dheda K, Fortune S, Gordon SB, Hoft D, Kublin JG, Loynachan CN, McShane H, Morton B, Nambiar S, Sharma NR, Robertson B, Schrager LK, Weller CL 16/08/2024
SARS-CoV-2 seroepidemiology in Cape Town, South Africa, and implications for future outbreaks in low-income communities. PLOS Global Public Health Journal Article Hussey H, Vreede H, Davies M-A, Heekes A, Kalk E, Hardie D, van Zyl G, Naidoo M, Morden E, Bam J-L, Zinyakatira N, Centner CM, Maritz J, Opie J, Chapanduka Z, Mahomed H, Smith M, Cois A, Pienaar D, Redd AD, Preiser W, Wilkinson R, Boulle A, Hsiao N-Y 06/08/2024
Synthetic, marine, light-driven, autotroph-heterotroph co-culture system for sustainable β-caryophyllene production. Bioresource Technology Journal Article Chen W, Park Y-K, Studená L, Bell D, Hapeta P, Fu J, Nixon PJ, Ledesma-Amaro R 06/08/2024
T3SS protein EsrC binds to the lacI-like operator of type 1 fimbrial operon to suppress adhesion of Edwardsiella piscicida. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Journal Article Sun SS, He TT, Zhang SY, Yu X-J, Chen C, Laghari ZA, Nie P, Xie HX 21/08/2024
Tail assembly interference is a common strategy in bacterial antiviral defenses. Nature Communications Journal Article He L, Miguel-Romero L, Patkowski JB, Alqurainy N, Rocha EPC, Costa TRD, Fillol-Salom A, Penadés JR 30/08/2024
The airway mycobiome and interactions with immunity in health and chronic lung disease Oxford Open Immunology Journal Article Katsoulis O, Pitts O, Singanayagam A 22/08/2024
The impact of analytical treatment interruptions and trial interventions on time to viral re-suppression in people living with HIV restarting ART in cure-related clinical studies: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the International AIDS Society Journal Article, Meta-Analysis, Systematic Review Lee MJ, Eason M, Castagna A, Laura G, De Scheerder M-A, Riley J, Tebas P, Gunst J, Søgaard O, Florence E, Kroon E, De Souza M, Mothe B, Caskey M, Fidler S 01/08/2024
The role of helper lipids in optimising nanoparticle formulations of self-amplifying RNA. Journal of Controlled Release Journal Article Barbieri BD, Peeler DJ, Samnuan K, Day S, Hu K, Sallah HJ, Tregoning JS, McKay PF, Shattock RJ 12/08/2024
The tricky second album: Licensure of an mRNA vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus. Molecular Therapy Journal Article, Editorial Tregoning JS 07/08/2024
UK paediatricians’ attitudes towards the chicken pox vaccine: The SPOTTY study. Vaccine Journal Article O’Mahony E, Sherman SM, Marlow R, Bedford H, Fitzgerald F 08/08/2024
WHO global research priorities for antimicrobial resistance in human health. The Lancet Microbe Journal Article, Review Bertagnolio S, Dobreva Z, Centner CM, Olaru ID, Donà D, Burzo S, Huttner BD, Chaillon A, Gebreselassie N, Wi T, Hasso-Agopsowicz M, Allegranzi B, Sati H, Ivanovska V, Kothari KU, Balkhy HH, Cassini A, Hamers RL, Weezenbeek KV, WHO Research Agenda for AMR in Human Health Collaborators 12/08/2024