Latest publications: June 2022

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Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from Symplectic. Our reports are generated on a monthly basis, which means there may be a delay in publicising some publications.

Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
Severe acute hepatitis in children: investigate SARS-CoV-2 superantigens. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Letter Brodin P, Arditi M 2022-07
Can Urinary Complement Proteins Stratify Patients to Therapeutic Complement Inhibitors? Kidney International Reports Journal article Medjeral-Thomas NR 2022-05
Longitudinal analyses of development of the immune system during the first five years of life in relation to lifestyle. Allergy Journal Article Olin A, Acevedo N, Lakshmikanth T, Chen Y, Johansson C, Alm J, Scheynius A, Brodin P 2022-05
Seroprevalence to adeno-associated virus type 6 in people with hemophilia B from a UK adult cohort. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis Journal Article Boyce S, James I, Rangarajan S, Curry N, Bagot C, Austin S, Laffan M, Mangles S, Chandrakumaran K, Mundy C 2022-05
Guidelines for thrombophilia testing: A British Society for Haematology guideline British Journal of Haematology Article, Early Access, Journal Arachchillage DJ, Mackillop L, Chandratheva A, Motawani J, MacCallum P, Laffan M 29/05/2022
Immune-microbe interactions early in life: A determinant of health and disease long term. Science Journal Article, Review Brodin P 27/05/2022
Turning up the HEAT(R3) in Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Blood Editorial, Comment Iskander D, Warren AJ 26/05/2022
Metalloproteinase inhibition reduces AML growth, prevents stem cell loss, and improves chemotherapy effectiveness Blood Advances Article, Journal Pirillo C, Birch F, Tissot FS, Anton SG, Haltalli M, Tini V, Kong I, Partridge B, Pospori C, Keeshan K, Santamaria S, Hawkins E, Falini B, Marra A, Duarte D, Lee CF, Roberts E, Lo Celso C 24/05/2022
Anticoagulation for Percutaneous Ventricular Assist Device-Supported Cardiogenic Shock: JACC Review Topic of the Week. Journal of the American College of Cardiology Journal Article, Review, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Vandenbriele C, Arachchillage DJ, Frederiks P, Giustino G, Gorog DA, Gramegna M, Janssens S, Meyns B, Polzin A, Scandroglio M, Schrage B, Stone GW, Tavazzi G, Vanassche T, Vranckx P, Westermann D, Price S, Chieffo A 17/05/2022
Reversible CD8 T cell-neuron cross-talk causes aging- dependent neuronal regenerative decline Science Article, Journal Zhou L, Kong G, Palmisano I, Cencioni MT, Danzi M, De Virgiliis F, Chadwick JS, Crawford G, Yu Z, De Winter F, Lemmon V, Bixby J, Puttagunta R, Verhaagen J, Pospori C, Lo Celso C, Strid J, Botto M, Di Giovanni S 13/05/2022
Factor H-Related Protein 1 Drives Disease Susceptibility and Prognosis in C3 Glomerulopathy Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Article, Early Access, Journal Marquez-Tirado B, Gutierrez-Tenorio J, Tortajada A, Continente LL, Caravaca-Fontaan F, Malik TH, Montero RR, Elias S, Gonzalez AS, Fernandez-Juarez G, Sanchez-Corral P, Pickering MC, Praga M, Rodriguez de Cordoba S, Goicoechea de Jorge E 11/05/2022
A new diagnosis of monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis with cytoplasmic inclusions in a patient with COVID-19 American Journal of Hematology Editorial Material, Early Access, Editorial material, Journal Lanza L, Koroveshi B, Barducchi F, Lorenzo A, Venturino E, Cappelli E, Lillo F, Bain BJ 10/05/2022
Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma American Journal of Hematology Editorial Material, Early Access, Editorial material, Journal Hopkins D, Smyth D, Leach M, Bain BJ 09/05/2022
Recycling of memory B cells between germinal center and lymph node subcapsular sinus supports affinity maturation to antigenic drift Nature Communications Article, Journal Zhang Y, Garcia-Ibanez L, Ulbricht C, Lok LSC, Pike JA, Mueller-Winkler J, Dennison TW, Ferdinand JR, Burnett CJM, Yam-Puc JC, Zhang L, Alfaro RM, Takahama Y, Ohigashi I, Brown G, Kurosaki T, Tybulewicz VLJ, Rot A, Hauser AE, Clatworthy MR, Toellner K-M 05/05/2022