Latest publications: August 2024

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

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Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
A randomised, two-arm (1:1 ratio), double blind, placebo controlled phase III trial to assess the efficacy, safety, cost and cost-effectiveness of Rituximab in treating de novo or relapsing NS in patients with MCD/FSGS (TURING). BMC Nephrology Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial, Clinical Trial, Phase III, Clinical Trial Protocol C Willcocks L, Qian W, Cader R, Gatley K, Siddiqui H, Tabebisong E, Champion K, Kronbichler A, Lightstone L, Jayne D, Wilson E, Griffith M 07/08/2024
Association of serum biomarkers with radiographic knee osteoarthritis, knee pain and function in a young, male, trauma-exposed population – Findings from the ADVANCE study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Journal Article O’Sullivan O, Stocks J, Schofield S, Bilzon J, Boos CJ, Bull AMJ, Fear NT, Watt FE, Bennett AN, Kluzek S, Valdes AM 03/08/2024
Complement Terminal Pathway Activation and Intrarenal Immune Response in C3 Glomerulopathy Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Article, Early Access, Journal Meuleman M-S, Petitprez F, Pickering MC, Le Quintrec M, Artero MR, Duval A, Rabant M, Gilmore A, Boyer O, Hogan J, Servais A, Provot F, Gnemmi V, Eloudzeri M, Grunenwald A, Buob D, Boffa J-J, Moktefi A, Audard V, Goujon J-M, Bridoux F, Thervet E, Karras A, Roumenina LT, Bacchi VF, Van Huyen J-PD, Chauvet S 01/08/2024
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of arylsulfonamides as ADAMTS7 inhibitors. RSC Medicinal Chemistry Journal Article Cuffaro D, Burkhard T, Bernardoni BL, Di Leo R, Zhang X, Galati S, Tuccinardi T, Macchia M, Rossello A, Santamaria S, de Groot R, Nuti E 14/08/2024
Does a subset of mature T-cell leukemias with features akin to T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia but lacking rearrangement of the <i>TCL1</i> represent peripheral T-cell lymphoma, NOS in a leukemic phase? eJHaem Article, Early Access, Journal Gajzer DC, Chen X, Sabath DE, Poh C, Naresh KN 17/06/2024
Echinocytes in pyruvate kinase deficiency, post-splenectomy. American Journal of Hematology Case Reports, Journal Article Bassiony SA, Luqmani A, Bain BJ 02/08/2024
From the eosinophil to a novel FGFR1 fusion gene American Journal of Hematology Editorial Material, Early Access, Journal Harper K, Horne G, Leach M, Bain BJ 01/08/2024
Immunology in Practice: a modular framework to support Master of Science students conference attendance and engagement. Immunology and Cell Biology Journal Article Trela M, Rutschmann S 14/08/2024
Impact of socioeconomic status on healthy immune responses in humans. Immunology and Cell Biology Journal Article Bertrand A, Sugrue J, Lou T, Bourke NM, Quintana-Murci L, Saint-André V, O’Farrelly C, Duffy D, Milieu Intérieur Consortium 01/08/2024
PD-L1+ macrophage and tumor cell abundance and proximity to T cells in the pretreatment large B-cell lymphoma microenvironment impact CD19 CAR-T cell immunotherapy efficacy. HemaSphere Journal Article Hirayama AV, Wright JH, Smythe KS, Fiorenza S, Shaw AN, Gauthier J, Maloney DG, Naresh KN, Yeung CCS, Turtle CJ 01/08/2024
Recognition and control of neutrophil extracellular trap formation by MICL. Nature Journal Article Malamud M, Whitehead L, McIntosh A, Colella F, Roelofs AJ, Kusakabe T, Dambuza IM, Phillips-Brookes A, Salazar F, Perez F, Shoesmith R, Zakrzewski P, Sey EA, Rodrigues C, Morvay PL, Redelinghuys P, Bedekovic T, Fernandes MJG, Almizraq R, Branch DR, Amulic B, Harvey J, Stewart D, Yuecel R, Reid DM, McConnachie A, Pickering MC, Botto M, Iliev ID, McInnes IB, De Bari C, Willment JA, Brown GD 14/08/2024
The genetics and epidemiology of N- and O-immunoglobulin A glycomics. Genome Medicine: medicine in the post-genomic era Journal Article Visconti A, Rossi N, Bondt A, Ederveen AH, Thareja G, Koeleman CAM, Stephan N, Halama A, Lomax-Browne HJ, Pickering MC, Zhou X-J, Wuhrer M, Suhre K, Falchi M 09/08/2024
Transcript analysis on uterus transplant cervical biopsies using the Banff Human Organ Transplant panel. American Journal of Transplantation Journal Article Broecker V, Toulza F, Brännström M, Ernst A, Roufosse C, Carbonnel M, Alkattan Z, Mölne J 29/08/2024