Latest publications: April and May 2024

Hammersmith Hospital

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

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Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
A new era in the science and care of kidney diseases. Nature Reviews Nephrology Journal Article, Review Zoccali C, Mallamaci F, Lightstone L, Jha V, Pollock C, Tuttle K, Kotanko P, Wiecek A, Anders HJ, Remuzzi G, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Levin A, Vanholder R 04/04/2024
A Novel Method for Floxed Gene Manipulation Using TAT-Cre Recombinase in Ex Vivo Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS). Bio-protocol Journal Article Cheong S-S, Luis TC, Hind M, Dean CH 20/04/2024
Accurate identification of a precursor B-cell neoplasm. American Journal of Hematology Case Reports Dikair A, Harper K, Leach M, Bain BJ 05/04/2024
ADAMTS13 conformation influences autoimmune recognition in immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Article Underwood MI, Thomas MR, Scully MA, Crawley JTB 01/04/2024
Antibody Responses to Influenza Vaccination are Diminished in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease on Infliximab or Tofacitinib. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis Journal Article Liu Z, Alexander JL, Yee Eng K, Ibraheim H, Anandabaskaran S, Saifuddin A, Constable L, Castro Seoane R, Bewshea C, Nice R, D’Mello A, Jones GR, Balarajah S, Fiorentino F, Sebastian S, Irving PM, Hicks LC, Williams HRT, Kent AJ, Linger R, Parkes M, Kok K, Patel KV, Teare JP, Altmann DM, Boyton RJ, Hart AL, Lees CW, Goodhand JR, Kennedy NA, Pollock KM, Ahmad T, Powell N 23/04/2024
Beware of methylene blue in possible G6PD deficiency. American Journal of Hematology Case Reports Tatarinova O, Lund K, Bain BJ 12/04/2024
Canonical and noncanonical functions of complement in systemic lupus erythematosus. European Journal of Immunology Journal Article, Review Pickering MC, Botto M 17/04/2024
Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology Western Europe region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney International Supplements Journal Article, Review Pippias M, Alfano G, Kelly DM, Soler MJ, De Chiara L, Olanrewaju TO, Arruebo S, Bello AK, Caskey FJ, Damster S, Donner J-A, Jha V, Johnson DW, Levin A, Malik C, Nangaku M, Okpechi IG, Tonelli M, Ye F, Coppo R, Lightstone L, Regional Board and ISN-GKHA Team Authors 01/04/2024
Chronic myeloid leukemia diagnosed in pregnancy: management and outcome of 87 patients reported to the European LeukemiaNet international registry. Leukemia Journal Article Chelysheva E, Apperley J, Turkina A, Yassin MA, Rea D, Nicolini FE, Barraco D, Kazakbaeva K, Saliev S, Abulafia AS, Al-Kindi S, Byrne J, Robertson HF, Cerrano M, Shmakov R, Polushkina E, de Fabritiis P, Trawinska MM, Abruzzese E 01/04/2024
Complement Terminal Pathway Activation and Intrarenal Immune Response in C3 Glomerulopathy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Journal Article Meuleman M-S, Petitprez F, Pickering MC, Le Quintrec M, Artero MR, Duval A, Rabant M, Gilmore A, Boyer O, Hogan J, Servais A, Provot F, Gnemmi V, Eloudzeri M, Grunenwald A, Buob D, Boffa J-J, Moktefi A, Audard V, Goujon J-M, Bridoux F F, Thervet E, Karras A, Roumenina LT, Bacchi VF, Duong Van Huyen J-P, Chauvet S 06/05/2024
Duty and advocacy for Palestine: Jewish doctors’ response. The Lancet Letter Nadel S, Lightstone L, Moshal K, Taylor S, Sorene E 20/04/2024
Effect of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on male fertility in patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Leukemia and Lymphoma Journal Article Nesr G, Claudiani S, Milojkovic D, Innes A, Fernando F, Caballes I, Mungozi P, Szydlo R, Lovato S, Jayasena C, Apperley J 23/04/2024
Expectations and outcomes of varying treatment strategies for CML presenting during pregnancy. British Journal of Haematology Journal Article Robertson HF, Milojkovic D, Butt N, Byrne J, Claudiani S, Copland M, Gallipoli P, Innes AJ, Knight K, Mahdi AJ, Parker J, Virchis A, Apperley JF 02/05/2024
Fifth Edition of the World Health Classification of Tumors of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues: B-cell Neoplasms. Modern Pathology Journal Article, Review Medeiros LJ, Chadburn A, Natkunam Y, Naresh KN, WHO 5th Edition Classification Project 01/04/2024
Gut bacteria at 6 months of age are associated with immune cell status in 1‐year‐old children Scandinavian Journal of Immunology Journal Article Nilsen M, Nygaard UC, Brodin P, Carlsen KCL, Fredheim C, Haugen G, Hedlin G, Jonassen CM, Jonsmoen ULA, Lakshmikanth T, Nordlund B, Olin A, Rehbinder EM, Skjerven HO, Snipen L, Staff AC, Söderhäll C, Vettukattil R, Rudi K 01/04/2024
Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia with Thrombosis in COVID-19 versus Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis in the United Kingdom. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis Journal Article Arachchillage DJ, Rajakaruna I, Makris M, Laffan M, CA-COVID-19 Investigators 09/04/2024
Long-term outcomes after upfront second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors for chronic myeloid leukemia: managing intolerance and resistance. Leukemia Journal Article Claudiani S, Chughtai F, Khan A, Hayden C, Fernando F, Khorashad J, Orovboni V, Scandura G, Innes A, Apperley JF, Milojkovic D 01/04/2024
Mismatched related donor allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation compared to other donor types for Ph+ chronic myeloid leukaemia: A retrospective analysis from the Chronic Malignancies Working Party of the EBMT. British Journal of Haematology Journal Article Onida F, Gras L, Ge J, Koster L, Hamladji R-M, Byrne J, Avenoso D, Aljurf M, Robin M, Halaburda K, Passweg J, Salmenniemi U, Sengeloev H, Apperley J, Clark A, Reményi P, Morozova E, Kinsella F, Lenhoff S, Ganser A, Wu KL, Perez-Martinez A, Hayden PJ, Raj K, Drozd-Sokolowska J, OrtÍ G, de Lavallade H, Yakoub-Agha I, McLornan DP, Chalandon Y 05/04/2024
Molecular pixelation: spatial proteomics of single cells by sequencing. Nature Methods Journal Article Karlsson F, Kallas T, Thiagarajan D, Karlsson M, Schweitzer M, Navarro JF, Leijonancker L, Geny S, Pettersson E, Rhomberg-Kauert J, Larsson L, van Ooijen H, Petkov S, González-Granillo M, Bunz J, Dahlberg J, Simonetti M, Sathe P, Brodin P, Barrio AM, Fredriksson S 08/05/2024
Multi-tissue profiling of oxylipins reveal a conserved up-regulation of epoxide:diol ratio that associates with white adipose tissue inflammation and liver steatosis in obesity. EBioMedicine Journal Article Hateley C, Olona A, Halliday L, Edin ML, Ko J-H, Forlano R, Terra X, Lih FB, Beltrán-Debón R, Manousou P, Purkayastha S, Moorthy K, Thursz MR, Zhang G, Goldin RD, Zeldin DC, Petretto E, Behmoaras J 26/04/2024
Myeloid C-type lectin receptors in innate immune recognition. Immunity Journal Article, Review Reis E Sousa C, Yamasaki S, Brown GD 09/04/2024
Pituitary hypophysitis in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA): a case series. Pituitary Journal Article Alameri M, Alnuaimi A, Martin NM, Meeran K, Gontsarova A, Barwick TD, Ellis S, McAdoo S, Tomlinson J, Wernig F 01/04/2024
Richard Szydlo, July 1 1959-December 18 2023. Bone Marrow Transplantation Editorial Apperley JF 01/04/2024
The 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of mature lymphoid and stromal tumors – an overview and update. Leukemia and Lymphoma Journal Article, Review Attygalle AD, Chan JKC, Coupland SE, Du M-Q, Ferry JA, Jong DD, Gratzinger D, Lim MS, Naresh KN, Nicolae A, Ott G, Rosenwald A, Schuh A, Siebert R 01/04/2024
Therapeutic inhibition of monocyte recruitment prevents checkpoint inhibitor-induced hepatitis. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer Journal Article Gudd CLC, Mitchell E, Atkinson SR, Mawhin M-A, Turajlic S, Larkin J, Thursz MR, Goldin RD, Powell N, Antoniades CG, Woollard KJ, Possamai LA, Triantafyllou E 04/04/2024
Three-year outcomes of valoctocogene roxaparvovec gene therapy for hemophilia A. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Journal Article Madan B, Ozelo MC, Raheja P, Symington E, Quon DV, Leavitt AD, Pipe SW, Lowe G, Kenet G, Reding MT, Mason J, Wang M, von Drygalski A, Klamroth R, Shapiro S, Chambost H, Dunn AL, Oldenburg J, Chou S-C, Peyvandi F, Millar CM, Osmond D, Yu H, Dashiell-Aje E, Robinson TM, Mahlangu J 12/04/2024
To be hematopoietic, or not to be: That is the neoplastic cell's question American Journal of Hematology Editorial Material, Early Access, Journal Chea M, Corre J, Beziat G, Canali A, Rieu J-B, Bain BJ 01/04/2024
Versican Associates with Tumor Immune Phenotype and Limits T-cell Trafficking via Chondroitin Sulfate. Cancer Research Communications Journal Article, Review Hirani P, McDermott J, Rajeeve V, Cutillas PR, Jones JL, Pennington DJ, Wight TN, Santamaria S, Alonge KM, Pearce OMT 03/04/2024
Assisted peritoneal dialysis: Position paper for the ISPD. Peritoneal Dialysis International Journal Article Oliver MJ, Abra G, Béchade C, Brown EA, Sanchez-Escuredo A, Johnson DW, Guedes AM, Graham J, Fernandes N, Jha V, Kabbali N, Knananjubach T, Kam-Tao Li P, Lundström UH, Salenger P, Lobbedez T 01/05/2024
Biopsy-based transcriptomics in the diagnosis of kidney transplant rejection. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension Review, Journal Article de Nattes T, Beadle J, Roufosse C 01/05/2024
Complement Terminal Pathway Activation and Intrarenal Immune Response in C3 Glomerulopathy. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Journal Article Meuleman M-S, Petitprez F, Pickering MC, Le Quintrec M, Artero MR, Duval A, Rabant M, Gilmore A, Boyer O, Hogan J, Servais A, Provot F, Gnemmi V, Eloudzeri M, Grunenwald A, Buob D, Boffa J-J, Moktefi A, Audard V, Goujon J-M, Bridoux F F, Thervet E, Karras A, Roumenina LT, Bacchi VF, Duong Van Huyen J-P, Chauvet S 06/05/2024
Expectations and outcomes of varying treatment strategies for CML presenting during pregnancy. British Journal of Haematology Journal Article Robertson HF, Milojkovic D, Butt N, Byrne J, Claudiani S, Copland M, Gallipoli P, Innes AJ, Knight K, Mahdi AJ, Parker J, Virchis A, Apperley JF 02/05/2024
Fifth Edition of the World Health Classification of Tumors of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues: Mature T-cell, NK-cell and Stroma-Derived Neoplasms of Lymphoid Tissues. Modern Pathology Journal Article, Review Miranda RN, Amador C, Chan JKC, Guitart J, Rech KL, Medeiros LJ, Naresh KN, WHO 5(th) edition classification project 09/05/2024
Fifth Edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias, Mixed-Phenotype Acute Leukemias, Myeloid/Lymphoid Neoplasms With Eosinophilia, Dendritic/Histiocytic Neoplasms, and Genetic Tumor Syndromes. Modern Pathology Journal Article, Review Choi JK, Xiao W, Chen X, Loghavi S, Elenitoba-Johnson KS, Naresh KN, Medeiros LJ, Czader M, WHO 5th Edition Classification Project 01/05/2024
Harnessing Single-Cell Technologies in the Search for New Therapies for Diamond-Blackfan Anemia. Experimental Hematology Journal Article, Review Iskander D, Karadimitris A, Roberts I 11/05/2024
Molecular pixelation: spatial proteomics of single cells by sequencing. Nature Methods Journal Article Karlsson F, Kallas T, Thiagarajan D, Karlsson M, Schweitzer M, Navarro JF, Leijonancker L, Geny S, Pettersson E, Rhomberg-Kauert J, Larsson L, van Ooijen H, Petkov S, González-Granillo M, Bunz J, Dahlberg J, Simonetti M, Sathe P, Brodin P, Barrio AM, Fredriksson S 08/05/2024
Multi-tissue profiling of oxylipins reveal a conserved up-regulation of epoxide:diol ratio that associates with white adipose tissue inflammation and liver steatosis in obesity. EBioMedicine Journal Article Hateley C, Olona A, Halliday L, Edin ML, Ko J-H, Forlano R, Terra X, Lih FB, Beltrán-Debón R, Manousou P, Purkayastha S, Moorthy K, Thursz MR, Zhang G, Goldin RD, Zeldin DC, Petretto E, Behmoaras J 01/05/2024
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. American Journal of Hematology Case Reports Pelling D, Bain BJ 01/05/2024