Inside Rising Scientist Day 2024: Posters, Presentations and PhD Networking

Blog by Chryso Christodoulou, Research Postgraduate, Department of Infectious Disease

Hi, I’m Chryso, a third year PhD student in Dr Clarke’s group, studying how programming of innate immunity by the microbiota influences host responses to inflammation. On the 8th of May I had the opportunity to present my work at the Rising Scientist Day organised by the Faculty of Medicine. It’s an event I’ve enjoyed participating in since my first year of studies, as it’s a great opportunity to see some of the amazing research other PhD students have been working on and exchange ideas – all within a friendly and sociable environment.

From HIV to Embryotic Stem Cells, this year was packed with a myriad of fascinating research topics. Working on a PhD, I think it’s easy to become engulfed in your topic and miss other interesting research happening in the wider scientific world, so I particularly enjoyed talking with people of different disciplines and learning about their work.

The day began with poster presentations. Students, me included, designed a poster outlining the main areas of our research, and as attendees circulated the room, we engaged them with our presentations. Browsing around the conference myself, I was impressed to see the exceptional quality of the posters on show. I found it to be a great opportunity to exchange ideas, and the conversations I had even prompted me to think about new approaches I could take for my own research.

Once the poster session finished, lunch was provided which was a great chance to socialise with peers in a more informal setting. Later on in the day, it was back to the science as other students gave three-minute presentations showcasing their work. This was undoubtedly a tough task, but everyone involved delivered fantastic presentations. It was mutually beneficial for us watching their work, as it gave insights into how others communicate their research ideas, engaged with an audience and structured content to deliver information on their work with clarity and effectiveness.

While the whole day didn’t count towards our PhD, nor were we officially graded, all posters and presentations were judged, and the day ended with the names of the winners. Since this was my last year of attending, I was particularly eager to present a more well-rounded and comprehensive overview of our work, and I was lucky enough to be one of the day’s winners for best posters. Based on the judges words, it was a hard decision so congratulations to all the attendees and the rest of the winners for their amazing work.

Overall, Rising Scientist Day was a rewarding experience, offering a blend of inspiration, networking, and skill development. To my fellow PhD students, I highly recommend attending and sharing your work.

Thank you to all the dedicated staff members who played a pivotal role in organising this event and to the Graduate School for their funding.