Well done to all Principal Investigators and teams in the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our quarterly round-up of funding successes.*
Proposal Dept/Group | Project Lead | Infoed Funder | Project Title | Amount (£)** |
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology | David MacIntyre | March of Dimes | The relationship between the early pregnancy maternal exposome and adverse pregnancy outcomes | 138,462 |
Endocrinology | Tricia Tan | Diabetes UK | GLP-1 Analogues for Steroid Associated Diabetes: Effects and Mechanisms | 299,917 |
Endocrinology | Kevin Murphy | BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Gut to pancreas neurons and metabolic control | 609,775 |
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology | Christoph Lees | Wellcome Trust | POPPY: Preconception study of Outcomes in Primigravid PregnancY | 46,220 |
Nutrition | David Ma | Crohn’s & Colitis UK | PA8251 Modelling Immune-stromal-epithelial interactions defines a subset of patients with inflammatory bowel disease that does not respond to therapies | 99,943 |
Genetics and Genomics | Ines dos Santos Cebola | NC3Rs (National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research) | Establishment of a variant-to-function framework for cholestatic diseases using human liver in vitro models | 135,000 |
Endocrinology | Ben Jones | Association of Physicians of Great Britain & Ireland | Islet perifusion system to study GPCR biased agonism | 20,000 |
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology | Veronique Azuara | Genesis Research Trust | Genesis 140 Exploring the microbiome embryo interactions at the beginning of life | 30,000 |
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology | Wei Cui | Genesis Research Trust | Genesis 142 Functions of mTORC2 in peri-implantation human embryos and two states of human pluripotent stem cells | 30,000 |
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology | Aylin Hanyaloglu | Genesis Research Trust | Genesis 139 Targeting the Druggable GPCRome in Recurrent Pregnancy loss – PhD studentship for 4 years | 145,415 |
Nutrition | David Ma | Hellenic Research and Innovation Centre, a YIOTIS S.A | How the dietary component potentially influences gut health | 149,110 |
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology | Phillip Bennett | March of Dimes | The Imperial College March of Dimes European Prematurity Research Centre 2023-2024 | 818,333 |
CSM and Bioinformatics | Petros Andrikopoulos | MRC Medical Research Council (MRC) | The gut-kidney-heart axis as a driver of cardiovascular disease progression | 1,325,202 |
Hepatology and Gastroenterology | Mark Thursz | Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust | Hepatology Clinical Trails sub investigator role | 15,458 |
Endocrinology | Kleopatra Alexiadou | Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation | Semaglutide improves atherosclerosis via an anti-inflammatory action independent of weight loss | 19,985 |
Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction Centre | Horace Williams | Bowel Research UK | The impact of ethnic differences in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): phenotype and response to treatment | 49,937 |
Hepatology and Gastroenterology | Tamas Korcsmaros | F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd | Building genetics-driven signalling networks of the IBD epithelium | 265,275 |
Hepatology and Gastroenterology | Pinelopi Manousou | EU Underwrite – Innovate UK | Accelerating the translation of virtual twins towards a personalised management of fatty liver patients | 288,931 |
*Dude, where’s my grant? A disclaimer:
To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from the College’s strategic reporting dashboards, relating to FoM. This means that, typically, we only include awards on this list which have been set up on the College’s grants management system, in accordance with the Joint Research Office’s policies and processes. As a result, there may be a delay in promoting some awards.
** This is the total project value, including subprojects.