Funding successes: Q2 2024 (April-June)

Congratulations to Dr Alejandra Tomas Catala on her recent funding success.

Well done to all Principal Investigators and teams in the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our quarterly round-up of funding successes.*

Proposal Dept/Group Project Lead Infoed Funder Project Title   Amount (£)**
Cell Biology Aida Martinez Sanchez Cardiff and Vale ULHB The role of donor derived cell free DNA (DD cfDNA), islet derived exosomes and proinsulin in diagnosing pancreas graft acute rejection (EMPAR)                                                   16,347
Cell Biology Steven Millership Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Repurposing epidrugs for functional enhancement of human pancreatic beta cells to tackle diabetes                                                   20,000
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology Tina Prendeville NIHR National Institute for Health Research Evaluating the implementation of Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCoC) in NHS England                                                   22,519
Hepatology and Gastroenterology Tamir Rashid MRC Medical Research Council (MRC) Scalable generation of pluripotent stem cell derived hepatocytes                                                245,879
Cell Biology Alejandra Tomas Catala Wellcome Trust Allosteric modulation of class B1 GPCRs via cholesterol binding sites                                           3,103,912
Metabolism Shivani Misra NIHR National Institute for Health Research PROTECT PRegnancy Outcomes using Continuous glucose monitoring TEChnology in pregnant women with Type 2 diabetes: a multicentre randomised controlled trial)                                                   73,573
Metabolism Shivani Misra Diabetes UK Developing clinical calculators to improve classification of atypical diabetes and diabetes in under-represented populations                                                   23,965
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology Christoph Lees Wiseman Trust Follow on funding HIFU TTTS                                                   44,600
CSM and Bioinformatics Daniel Simon EPSRC Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council Mass Spectrometry Tool for Cervical Screening                                                   50,000
Hepatology and Gastroenterology Mark Thursz Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Staff costing – ICHT                                                   72,435
Endocrinology David Hope Imperial Health Charity Precision gut hormone therapy for the treatment of obesity and metabolic disease                                                   84,707
Endocrinology Ben Jones Metsera, Inc Defining the pharmacology of GLP-06                                                359,459
Genetics and Genomics Toby Andrew MRC Medical Research Council (MRC) An integrative genomic approach to identify novel functional genes in Parkinson’s disease using in silico and in vivo experiments                                                394,738

*Dude, where’s my grant? A disclaimer:

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from the College’s strategic reporting dashboards, relating to FoM. This means that, typically, we only include awards on this list which have been set up on the College’s grants management system, in accordance with the Joint Research Office’s policies and processes. As a result, there may be a delay in promoting some awards.

** This is the total project value, including subprojects.