First Post on the Rio Tinto Sports Innovation Challenge Blog

Millie Knight demonstrating the communication equipment used in VI skiing

Well there’s no better way to start off the new Rio Tinto Sports Innovation Challenge (RTSIC) Blog than with a celebration, and we at the RTSIC are celebrating the news that Millie Knight has been selected as part of the Sochi 2014 TeamGB Winter Paralympic Ski Team. Millie is a visually impaired skier, racing with her guide Rachael Ferrier, at 15 years old Millie will be Britain’s youngest ever Winter Paralympian.

Millie was kind enough to take time from her training schedule to join in one of our Athlete Workshops as part of the Innovation Design Engineering course (run in conjunction with the RCA). Millie talked through some of her experiences and issues with the existing communication equipment and helped the students get a better understanding of the demands upon the athletes and the equipment during training and competition.

We wish Millie all the best for Sochi 2014 and the future and hope she will be able to visit us again to see what the IDE students produce as part of their 6 week intensive project.


Millie Knight demonstrating the communication equipment used in VI skiing
Millie Knight demonstrating the communication equipment used in VI skiing
Millie Knight demonstrating the communication equipment used in VI skiing
Millie Knight demonstrating the communication equipment used in VI skiing

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