Author: Rhea Samra

Silwood Park Allotments

Allotments at Silwood Park Campus

Silwood Park has a rich history when it comes to food self-sufficiency ever since the first students arrived in 1947. Now staff and students can get involved in starting their own allotment plot. Hear from four staff allotment owners on their experiences below.

(Clockwise: staff allotment users, Ro’s plot, produce from the staff plots, Andrew Greig’s plot)

Andrew Greig, Campus Services Coordinator

“I had looked on enviously at the allotment shenanigans of Silwoodians for a number of years as they dedicatedly grew their wares, whilst never really thinking too much of actually getting a plot myself. Then last year, having reached an age suitable for allotmenting and with the allotment changing to a bigger site in Silwood, I decided to join in the fun and get my own plot.

But what to grow? I am no gourmet chef and ashamedly not a huge eater of veg, maybe this was a time to grow my veg eating repartee! No, I went with home staples of potatoes, tomatoes, sweetcorn, lettuce, onions and some beetroot. And it was all a flaming success in the long hot summer of 2022, with it all doing fabulously and tasting amazing! I thought I must be the secret lovechild of Percy Thrower and Monty Don! Fast forward to 2023 and clearly they only adopted me. This year the potatoes were delicious again, but so many of my endeavours failed to get off the ground- peas, broccoli, cabbage all failed to materialise whilst the weeds have had a field day.

My best success this year has been the bench which I made from an old pallet and that I seemed to have used too much instead of weeding. Still, I’m already planning for 2024.”

Katie Willis, Research Associate (DoLS) and Tom Richards, Village Assistant Supervisor

“We began running the allotments when we first arrived to live on campus in 2017. Since then we have tried our hand at growing peas, beans, sweetcorn, squash, cabbage, kale, broccoli, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and lots and lots of courgettes! The allotments have given many staff and students the opportunity to try something new, providing a great excuse to get out into the open and meet new people. We have also taken part in Mental Health Awareness week, giving students from other campuses a chance to escape from the big smoke for an afternoon of gardening, an activity we hope to grow in the future.”

Anthony Fitzgerald, Departmental Manager in Dept of Life Sciences (DoLS)

“Having started my growing experience during lockdown with a small veg patch in the corner of my garden I jumped at the opportunity to have an allotment plot at Silwood when they were relocated to Hill Bottom. With two teenage sons a patch full of King Edward’s potatoes is a must, along with sweetcorn and tomatoes.”

Emma Sharp, Project Manager in Faculty of Natural Sciences

“I have had an allotment at Silwood for two years now and have already learnt a lot from other allotment users and some trial and error with plant placement and netting. Along with the benefits of fresh air and fresh veg, weeding gives me the opportunity for some good thinking time or even just a short screen break on a busy day. I have mostly grown peas, beans and cabbages so far but have tried celery and beetroot this year.  I have two guinea-pigs who also benefit and reduce any potential waste – they are particularly fond of the sweetcorn leaves grown by my colleagues.”

Want to learn more?

The History of Silwood Park’s quest for food self-sufficiency and the start of its allotments

When the first students arrived at Silwood in 1947 the country had just endured the worst winter anyone could remember (January to March) which had destroyed a huge fraction of the country’s stock of stored potatoes.

To make matters worse, the country was still in the full grip of post-war rationing with food, sugar, petrol and coal all in very limited supply. Private motorists were unable to drive more than about 22 miles per week, which made the 702 Green Line Bus from Silwood to South Kensington so important to Munro when Silwood was purchased for the College.

The other thing to remember about these early days was that all of the students ate all of their meals in the Refectory. There were no cooking facilities in the student accommodation in the top storey of the Manor House.

All this meant that the Silwood community needed to be essentially self-sufficient for food. There was a substantial acreage given over to production of vegetables and potatoes in the fields on either side of the Warden’s House in Silwood Lodge at Drive Field and Lodge Field (now the Tractors sheds).  Pigs were kept, but there is no record of any dairy cows at Silwood (though there were at Silwood Farm).   This tradition of food self-sufficiency, tended by the students in concert with the (then) substantial garden staff (13 men plus a superintendent) carried on well into the 1960s.

Allotments specifically for the students to practice their horticultural skills were not introduced until the mid-1980s when a central section of Ashurst Four Acre Field was fenced off and made rabbit- and deer-proof.  The area was shifted within Four Acre field after 5 years to alleviated pest and weed problems.  In the early 1990s the students pressed for the allotments to be shifted closer to the (then new) Residences, and a fence was erected in the south-west corner of Hill Bottom. The current allotments in the centre of Hill Bottom were built in 2018, after the earlier site became overgrown by Raspberries, Brambles and Tansy.

Information provided by Mick Crawley, former Campus Dean for Silwood Park.


Agilent Measurement Suite’s Gold Award

Reposted from Imperial news article “Agilent Measurement Suite given highest award for sustainability framework” by Jacklin Kwan

The White City laboratory has been awarded Gold Award Accreditation in the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF).

LEAF aims to improve laboratory efficiency, helping to reduce energy and water consumption, as well as carbon emissions and plastic waste. Over 85 global institutions and 1600 labs take part in LEAF.

Gold accreditation is only awarded the laboratories that reach the highest level of efficiency. Laboratories must prove that they meet 48 distinct sustainability criteria, including promoting greener travel for laboratory users and increasing facility recycling rates.

“The Department of Chemistry is proud to be leading in this initiative and the AMS is now the fourth group within the Department to obtain Gold LEAF status,” said Dr Trevor Ferris, the Departmental Research Facilities Manager.

Dr Ferris said that the laboratory improved users’ awareness of sustainability by implementing clear signage around the AMS and providing training.

“The signage included advice and guidance on how to save electricity, and how to recycle and reuse laboratory boxes and bottles,” he said.

Doing essential scientific research can be energy and resource intensive. It is estimated that laboratories generate around 2 per cent of the world’s plastic waste and use three to 10 times more energy than a typical office.

Dr Ferris, supported by Kamil Skirlo, Analytical Instrumentation Technician at AMS, hopes to register other facilities across Imperial in the LEAF programme.

Dr Lisa Haigh, Technical Operations Manager at the Department of Chemistry, is also leading the widespread adoption of the programme: “Small changes can make big differences.”

Dr Haigh sits on the Faculty of Natural Sciences Sustainability Strategy Committee, chaired by Professor Jem Woods (Centre for Environmental Policy), which discusses and share best environmental practices across Departments.

She says that she is in the process of encouraging energy saving by obtaining real data usage on common laboratory pieces of equipment. “We actively encourage researchers on new purchases that efficiency should be prioritised over cost,” Dr Haigh said.

Improving laboratory efficiency sits within Imperial’s Sustainability Strategy, which aims to transition to net zero by 2040. It works across three themes: resource management; academic excellence; and engagement with Imperial’s key stakeholders.

Imperial’s first Gold LEAF Award

Reposted from Imperial news article “Going for LEAF Gold” by Lisa Bushby

In June 2022, Dr Pabitra Shakya Tuladhar achieved Gold Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) status for the Chemistry Department’s Cleanroom Laboratory, maintained by the Centre for Processable Electronics in the Molecular Sciences Research Hub at White City, marking a first for Imperial College.

The LEAF scheme encourages lab managers in academia to drive improvements in laboratory efficiency by identifying practical steps to make their labs more sustainable. Participants complete a set of criteria to reach Bronze, Silver or Gold standard, and can estimate the carbon and financial savings their actions have achieved.

Dismayed at the quantities of chemicals being thrown away and the amount of single-use plastic being used in her lab, Dr Tuladhar decided to take action. Hearing of the LEAF accreditation scheme championing efforts to make labs more sustainable, Pabitra took the initial step in the process to meet the criteria for Bronze status, which she achieved in 2020 through the application of straightforward, practical actions such as explaining the sustainable practices users need to take when using the lab at the time of induction, using cold storage, ovens or incubators only when they are full and turning off equipment and lights when they are not needed.

Pabitra didn’t stop at Bronze and has continued to make improvements to her lab throughout the COVID pandemic, this also helped her lab to continue running during the disruptive period, and by using the same suppliers time and again, she always asks for discounts based on her continuing loyalty (saving money in the process!).

The lab equipment and chemicals and materials are shared with few other lab users from different groups across the CPE and Chemistry Department communities.

The lab utilises the warp-it website so that any unwanted or spare item can be offered to other external lab users. Spare equipment is loaned to other lab users in the building. Where equipment has finally met its end-of-life, it is typically returned to the supplier, and Pabitra even has an example of receiving £5000 for returned equipment for recycling!

A key innovation for the lab has been the introduction of the LabCup laboratory management software for users to track the material and chemical inventory. The list is kept updated by users when the material is old and disposed of or stock running low. The inventory is open to all CPE users so that they can share if needed. The system is compatible with Imperial’s ICIS system. At point of purchase, hazardous materials are authorised by College’s health and safety team and users are given information on how the material should be used and stored.

Dr Pabitra Shakya Tuladhar