AI4Health CDT Award

AI4Health ICL

Professor Holmes and Dr Georgiou were successfully awarded a UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence (AI) PhD studentship. The studentship focuses on the development of intelligent, AI-based personalised clinical decision support systems to support and optimise antimicrobial therapy in obese patients with multi-morbidities.

Whilst antimicrobial therapy is often prescribed according to a ‘one dose fits all’ model, individual responses to antimicrobials vary widely, particularly in certain patient groups such as those with multi-morbidities (e.g. obesity or sepsis). The project will build upon our previous NIHR i4i Product Development Award:  Enhanced, Personalised, Integrated, Care for Infection Management at the Point-of-Care award which led to the development of a clinical decision support system to support evidence based antimicrobial prescribing.

Patients with multi-morbidities are often inappropriately treated with antimicrobials due to a lack of evidence to support prescribing decisions. This project will improve patient outcomes through the development a novel decision support system, linking artificial intelligence with data from electronic health records to improve the diagnosis and management of infections in obese patients.

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