Who is David Tang?


clinician keen on solving health problems by leveraging technology (including programming, data science, machine learning, and cloud technology).


I qualified in Medicine in Australia. Since then, I have been in various healthcare settings, from tertiary to primary care. In my previous role, I was a dual nephrology and internal medicine registrar in Malaysia. In total, I have over seven years of active practice in the field. I bring the unique experience of having practised in a tropical, low-resource, and third-world setting.

Why should I read your programming stuff?

I am self-taught with Python, starting my journey in 2018. Since joining the MSc Health Data Analytics and Machine Learning course, I have picked up several other languages including R, Bash, SQL, etc.

Sir Dave Brailsford’s philosophy of “aggregation of marginal gains” is what I want to achieve with my skills. Sharing my tiny 1% improvement in programming is the point of this blog.

I guess this acts as both: a repository for me; and leaves breadcrumbs for others who want to follow in my steps.

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See my full Imperial People page for more info.

My LinkedIn profile, should you want to connect or DM me.

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