Latest publications: April and May 2024

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

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Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
A cross-sectional pilot household study of Schistosoma mansoni burden and associated morbidities in Lake Albert, Uganda. Tropical Medicine and International Health Journal Article Dee DP, Lam G, Edielu A, Anguajibi V, Webb EL, Wamboko A, Mawa PA, Friedman JF, Simpson H, Bustinduy AL 01/04/2024
Achievement of therapeutic antibiotic exposures using Bayesian dosing software in critically unwell children and adults with sepsis. Intensive Care Medicine Clinical Trial, Journal Article, Multicenter Study Chai MG, Tu Q, Cotta MO, Bauer MJ, Balch R, Okafor C, Comans T, Kruger P, Meyer J, Shekar K, Brady K, Fourie C, Sharp N, Vlad L, Whiley D, Ungerer JPJ, Mcwhinney BC, Farkas A, Paterson DL, Clark JE, Hajkowicz K, Raman S, Bialasiewicz S, Lipman J, Forde BM, Harris PNA, Schlapbach LJ, Coin L, Roberts JA, Irwin AD 01/04/2024
Adults with Perinatally Acquired HIV; Emerging Clinical Outcomes and Data Gaps. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease Journal Article, Review Henderson M, Fidler S, Foster C 03/04/2024
Aminoglycosides, deafness, and non-tuberculous mycobacteria. The Lancet Global Health Letter Drobniewski F, Ashmi M, He C, Cheong J, Shah A 01/04/2024
An investigation of trachoma vaccine regimens by the chlamydia vaccine CTH522 administered with cationic liposomes in healthy adults (CHLM-02): a phase 1, double-blind trial. Lancet Infectious Diseases Journal Article Pollock KM, Borges ÁH, Cheeseman HM, Rosenkrands I, Schmidt KL, Søndergaard RE, Day S, Evans A, McFarlane LR, Joypooranachandran J, Amini F, Skallerup P, Dohn RB, Jensen CG, Olsen AW, Bang P, Cole T, Schronce J, Lemm N-M, Kristiansen MP, Andersen PL, Dietrich J, Shattock RJ, Follmann F 10/04/2024
Antibody Responses to Influenza Vaccination are Diminished in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease on Infliximab or Tofacitinib. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis Journal Article Liu Z, Alexander JL, Yee Eng K, Ibraheim H, Anandabaskaran S, Saifuddin A, Constable L, Castro Seoane R, Bewshea C, Nice R, D’Mello A, Jones GR, Balarajah S, Fiorentino F, Sebastian S, Irving PM, Hicks LC, Williams HRT, Kent AJ, Linger R, Parkes M, Kok K, Patel KV, Teare JP, Altmann DM, Boyton RJ, Hart AL, Lees CW, Goodhand JR, Kennedy NA, Pollock KM, Ahmad T, Powell N 23/04/2024
Author Correction: Macromolecular condensation buffers intracellular water potential. Nature Published Erratum Watson JL, Seinkmane E, Styles CT, Mihut A, Krüger LK, McNally KE, Planelles-Herrero VJ, Dudek M, McCall PM, Barbiero S, Vanden Oever M, Peak-Chew SY, Porebski BT, Zeng A, Rzechorzek NM, Wong DCS, Beale AD, Stangherlin A, Riggi M, Iwasa J, Morf J, Miliotis C, Guna A, Inglis AJ, Brugués J, Voorhees RM, Chambers JE, Meng Q-J, O’Neill JS, Edgar RS, Derivery E 01/04/2024
Compounding challenges for Syrian refugees in Türkiye in the wake of the earthquake. The Lancet Global Health Journal Article Kaloti R, Diab JL, Alkhalil M, Rayes D, Abbara A 01/04/2024
Correction for Gupta et al., “Bromo- and Extraterminal Domain Chromatin Regulators Serve as Cofactors for Murine Leukemia Virus Integration”. Journal of Virology Journal Article, Published Erratum Gupta SS, Maetzig T, Maertens GN, Sharif A, Rothe M, Weidner-Glunde M, Galla M, Schambach A, Cherepanov P, Schulz TF 16/04/2024
Demographic characteristics and prevalence of asymptomatic Leishmania donovani infection in migrant workers working in an endemic area in Northwest Ethiopia. Frontiers in Epidemiology Journal Article Yimer M, Takele Y, Yizengaw E, Nibret E, Sumova P, Volf P, Yismaw G, Alehegn M, Rowan A, Müller I, Cotton JA, Chapman LAC, Kropf P 01/04/2024
Determinants of the optimal selection of vascular access devices: A systematic review underpinned by the COM-B behavioural model. Journal of Advanced Nursing Journal Article, Review Fernández-Fernández I, Castro-Sánchez E, Blanco-Mavillard I 02/05/2024
Development and validation of a respiratory syncytial virus multiplex immunoassay. Infection: journal of infectious disease Journal Article Marsall P, Fandrich M, Griesbaum J, Harries M, Lange B, RESPINOW Study Consortium, Ascough S, Dayananda P, Chiu C, Remppis J, Ganzenmueller T, Renk H, Strengert M, Schneiderhan-Marra N, Dulovic A 01/04/2024
Differences in neuroinflammation in people who started antiretroviral treatment during primary versus chronic HIV infection: an 18kDa Translocator protein (TSPO) positron emission tomography (PET) study. Journal of NeuroVirology Journal Article Alagaratnam J, Thornhill JP, Fan Z, Vera JH, Underwood J, Hall R, Searle G, Owen D, Edison P, Fidler S, Winston A 04/04/2024
Driving delivery and uptake of catch-up vaccination among adolescent and adult migrants in UK general practice: a mixed methods pilot study. BMC Medicine Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Crawshaw AF, Goldsmith LP, Deal A, Carter J, Knights F, Seedat F, Lau K, Hayward SE, Yong J, Fyle D, Aspray N, Iwami M, Ciftci Y, Wurie F, Majeed A, Forster AS, Hargreaves S 03/05/2024
Genetic Analyses of Rare ESBL ST628 Klebsiella pneumoniae Detected during a Protracted Nosocomial Outbreak in the United Kingdom Microorganisms Journal Article Fordham SME, Drobniewski F, Barrow M, Hutchings M, Crowther K, Richards D, Bolton P, Mantzouratou A, Sheridan E 28/04/2024
Global Prevalence of Aspirin Use for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study of Nationally Representative, Individual-Level Data. Global Heart Letter, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t, Journal Article Yoo SGK, Chung GS, Bahendeka SK, Sibai AM, Damasceno A, Farzadfar F, Rohloff P, Houehanou C, Norov B, Karki KB, Azangou-Khyavy M, Marcus ME, Aryal KK, Brant LCC, Theilmann M, Cífková R, Lunet N, Gurung MS, Mwangi JK, Martins J, Haghshenas R, Sturua L, Vollmer S, Bärnighausen T, Atun R, Sussman JB, Singh K, Moghaddam SS, Guwatudde D, Geldsetzer P, Manne-Goehler J, Huffman MD, Davies JI, Flood D 03/05/2024
Global trends in carbapenem- and difficult-to-treat-resistance among World Health Organization priority bacterial pathogens: ATLAS surveillance program 2018-2022. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance Journal Article Wise MG, Karlowsky JA, Mohamed N, Hermsen ED, Kamat S, Townsend A, Brink A, Soriano A, Paterson DL, Moore LSP, Sahm DF 10/04/2024
Human antibody signatures towards the Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein after natural infection and vaccination. EBioMedicine Journal Article Rosenkrands I, Olsen AW, Knudsen S, Dehari N, Juel HB, Cheeseman HM, Andersen P, Shattock RJ, Follmann F 13/05/2024
IL-1α is required for T cell-driven weight loss after respiratory viral infection. Mucosal Immunology Journal Article Wang Z, Cuthbertson LF, Thomas C, Sallah HJ, Mosscrop LG, Li H, Talts T, Kumar K, Moffatt MF, Tregoning JS 01/04/2024
Influence of vitamin D supplementation on bone mineral content, bone turnover markers, and fracture risk in South African schoolchildren: multicenter double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial (ViDiKids). Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Multicenter Study, Journal Article Middelkoop K, Micklesfield LK, Walker N, Stewart J, Delport C, Jolliffe DA, Mendham AE, Coussens AK, van Graan A, Nuttall J, Tang JCY, Fraser WD, Cooper C, Harvey NC, Hooper RL, Wilkinson RJ, Bekker L-G, Martineau AR 19/04/2024
Influence of vitamin D supplementation on growth, body composition, pubertal development and spirometry in South African schoolchildren: a randomised controlled trial (ViDiKids). BMJ Paediatrics Open Clinical Trial, Phase III, Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial Middelkoop K, Micklesfield L, Stewart J, Walker N, Jolliffe DA, Mendham AE, Coussens AK, Nuttall J, Tang J, Fraser WD, Momand W, Cooper C, Harvey NC, Wilkinson RJ, Bekker L-G, Martineau AR 10/04/2024
Intact cell lipidomics using the Bruker MBT lipid Xtract assay allows the rapid detection of glycosyl-inositol-phospho-ceramides from Aspergillus fumigatus. Molecular Omics Journal Article Chakraborty A, Alsharqi L, Kostrzewa M, Armstrong-James D, Larrouy-Maumus G 16/04/2024
Is detergent-only cleaning paired with chlorine disinfection the best approach for cleaning? Journal of Hospital Infection Journal Article Kiernan MA, Garvey MI, Norville P, Otter JA, Weber DJ 20/04/2024
Lack of association between classical HLA genes and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. HGG Advances Journal Article Marchal A, Cirulli ET, Neveux I, Bellos E, Thwaites RS, Schiabor Barrett KM, Zhang Y, Nemes-Bokun I, Kalinova M, Catchpole A, Tangye SG, Spaan AN, Lack JB, Ghosn J, Burdet C, Gorochov G, Tubach F, Hausfater P, COVID Human Genetic Effort, COVIDeF Study Group, French COVID Cohort Study Group, CoV-Contact Cohort, COVID-STORM Clinicians, COVID Clinicians, Orchestra Working Group, Amsterdam UMC Covid-19 Biobank, NIAID-USUHS COVID Study Group, Dalgard CL, Zhang S-Y, Zhang Q, Chiu C, Fellay J, Grzymski JJ, Sancho-Shimizu V, Abel L, Casanova J-L, Cobat A, Bolze A 26/04/2024
Large-scale phenotyping of patients with long COVID post-hospitalization reveals mechanistic subtypes of disease. Nature Immunology Journal Article Liew F, Efstathiou C, Fontanella S, Richardson M, Saunders R, Swieboda D, Sidhu JK, Ascough S, Moore SC, Mohamed N, Nunag J, King C, Leavy OC, Elneima O, McAuley HJC, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Sereno M, Harris VC, Houchen-Wolloff L, Greening NJ, Lone NI, Thorpe M, Thompson AAR, Rowland-Jones SL, Docherty AB, Chalmers JD, Ho L-P, Horsley A, Raman B, Poinasamy K, Marks M, Kon OM, Howard LS, Wootton DG, Quint JK, de Silva TI, Ho A, Chiu C, Harrison EM, Greenhalf W, Baillie JK, Semple MG, Turtle L, Evans RA, Wain LV, Brightling C, Thwaites RS, Openshaw PJM, PHOSP-COVID collaborative group, ISARIC investigators 01/04/2024
Linezolid Population Pharmacokinetic Model in Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid Among Patients With Tuberculosis Meningitis. Journal of Infectious Diseases Clinical Trial, Journal Article Abdelgawad N, Wasserman S, Abdelwahab MT, Davis A, Stek C, Wiesner L, Black J, Meintjes G, Wilkinson RJ, Denti P 12/04/2024
Machine learning to predict antimicrobial resistance: future applications in clinical practice? Infectious Diseases Now Journal Article, Review Kherabi Y, Thy M, Bouzid D, Antcliffe DB, Rawson TM, Peiffer-Smadja N 01/04/2024
Making HTLV-1 and those affected visible. Nature Microbiology Journal Article Rosadas C 01/04/2024
Paediatric, maternal, and congenital mpox: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Global Health Meta-Analysis, Systematic Review, Journal Article Sanchez Clemente N, Coles C, Paixao ES, Brickley EB, Whittaker E, Alfven T, Rulisa S, Agudelo Higuita N, Torpiano P, Agravat P, Thorley EV, Drysdale SB, Le Doare K, Muyembe Tamfum J-J 01/04/2024
Population incidence and associated mortality of urinary tract infection in people living with dementia. Journal of Infection Journal Article Lai H, Kolanko M, Li LM, Parkinson ME, Bourke NJ, Graham NSN, David MCB, Mallas E-J, Su B, Daniels S, Wilson D, Golemme M, Norman C, Jensen K, Jackson R, Tran M, Freemont PS, Wingfield D, Wilkinson T, Gregg EW, Tzoulaki I, Sharp DJ, Soreq E 26/04/2024
Post-Covid-19 condition (Long Covid) in children and young people 12 months after infection or reinfection with the Omicron variant: a prospective observational study. Scientific Reports Journal Article, Observational Study, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Pinto Pereira SM, Nugawela MD, Stephenson T, Foret-Bruno P, Dalrymple E, Xu L, Whittaker E, Heyman I, Ford T, Segal T, Chalder T, Ladhani SN, Mensah AA, McOwat K, Simmons R, CLoCk Consortium, Shafran R 30/04/2024
Pregnancy Management in HIV Viral Controllers: Twenty Years of Experience. Pathogens Journal Article Short C-ES, Byrne L, Hagan-Bezgin A, Quinlan RA, Anderson J, Brook G, De Alwis O, de Ruiter A, Farrugia P, Fidler S, Hamlyn E, Hartley A, Murphy S, Noble H, Oomeer S, Roedling S, Rosenvinge M, Rubinstein L, Shah R, Singh S, Thorne E, Toby M, Wait B, Sarner L, Taylor GP 10/04/2024
Progress towards elimination of viral hepatitis: a Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Commission update. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Journal Article, Review Cooke GS, Flower B, Cunningham E, Marshall AD, Lazarus JV, Palayew A, Jia J, Aggarwal R, Al-Mahtab M, Tanaka Y, Jeong S-H, Poovorawan K, Waked I, Hiebert L, Khue PM, Grebely J, Alcantara-Payawal D, Sanchez-Avila JF, Mbendi C, Muljono DH, Lesi O, Desalegn H, Hamid S, de Araujo A, Cheinquer H, Onyekwere CA, Malyuta R, Ivanchuk I, Thomas DL, Pimenov N, Chulanov V, Dirac MA, Han H, Ward JW 01/04/2024
Rapid antiretroviral therapy in primary HIV-1 infection enhances immune recovery. AIDS Journal Article Thornhill JP, Fox J, Martin GE, Hall R, Lwanga J, Lewis H, Brown H, Robinson N, Kuldanek K, Kinloch S, Nwokolo N, Whitlock G, Fidler S, Frater J 01/04/2024
Rapid emergence of transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants in mild community cases. Microbiology Spectrum Letter Crone MA, Hakki S, Fenn J, Zhou J, Oliveira CRD, Madon KJ, Koycheva A, Badhan A, Jonnerby J, Nevin S, Conibear E, Derelle R, Varro R, Luca C, Ahmad S, Zambon M, Barclay WS, Dunning J, Freemont PS, Taylor GP, Lalvani A 02/04/2024
Rapid expansion and international spread of M1UK in the post-pandemic UK upsurge of Streptococcus pyogenes. Nature Communications Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Vieira A, Wan Y, Ryan Y, Li HK, Guy RL, Papangeli M, Huse KK, Reeves LC, Soo VWC, Daniel R, Harley A, Broughton K, Dhami C, Ganner M, Ganner MA, Mumin Z, Razaei M, Rundberg E, Mammadov R, Mills EA, Sgro V, Mok KY, Didelot X, Croucher NJ, Jauneikaite E, Lamagni T, Brown CS, Coelho J, Sriskandan S 10/05/2024
Respiratory health and the Syrian conflict: a scoping literature review. Medicine, Conflict and Survival Journal Article Basha L, Hamze M, Socarras A, Akhtar M, Albaik A, Hussien I, Tarakji A, Hamadeh M, Loutfi R, Kewara M, Abbara A 30/04/2024
Robust and sensitive amplicon-based whole-genome sequencing assay of respiratory syncytial virus subtype A and B. Microbiology Spectrum Journal Article Talts T, Mosscrop LG, Williams D, Tregoning JS, Paulo W, Kohli A, Williams TC, Hoschler K, Ellis J, Lusignan SD, Zambon M 02/04/2024
Testing novel strategies for patients hospitalised with HIV-associated disseminated tuberculosis (NewStrat-TB): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials Journal Article, Clinical Trial Protocol Namale PE, Boloko L, Vermeulen M, Haigh KA, Bagula F, Maseko A, Sossen B, Lee-Jones S, Msomi Y, McIlleron H, Mnguni AT, Crede T, Szymanski P, Naude J, Ebrahim S, Vallie Y, Moosa MS, Bandeker I, Hoosain S, Nicol MP, Samodien N, Centner C, Dowling W, Denti P, Gumedze F, Little F, Parker A, Price B, Schietekat D, Simmons B, Hill A, Wilkinson RJ, Oliphant I, Hlungulu S, Apolisi I, Toleni M, Asare Z, Mpalali MK, Boshoff E, Prinsloo D, Lakay F, Bekiswa A, Jackson A, Barnes A, Johnson R, Wasserman S, Maartens G, Barr D, Schutz C, Meintjes G 08/05/2024
The application of antimicrobial stewardship knowledge to nursing practice: A national survey of United Kingdom pre-registration nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing Journal Article Courtenay M, Hawker C, Gallagher R, Castro-Sanchez E, Gould DJ, Al Salti F, Bate J, Cooper D, Cooper R, Craig R, Dickenson R, Fallon D, Mcleod S, Morrow K, Ness V, Nichols A, O’reilly S, Partington S, Sevenoaks JC, Sunter M, Turner J, Underhill LW, Weaver SL 25/04/2024
The malarial blood transcriptome: translational applications. Biochemical Society Transactions Journal Article, Review, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Dunican C, Andradi-Brown C, Ebmeier S, Georgiadou A, Cunnington AJ 24/04/2024
Water, health, and peace: a call for interdisciplinary research. The Lancet Journal Article Abbara A, Abu Shomar R, Daoudy M, Abu Sittah G, Zaman MH, Zeitoun M 13/04/2024
A panel of recombinant Leishmania donovani cell surface and secreted proteins identifies LdBPK_323600.1 as a serological marker of symptomatic infection. mBio Journal Article Roberts AJ, Ong HB, Clare S, Brandt C, Harcourt K, Takele Y, Ghosh P, Toepp A, Waugh M, Matano D, Färnert A, Adams E, Moreno J, Mbuchi M, Petersen C, Mondal D, Kropf P, Wright GJ 08/05/2024
Age-specific nasal epithelial responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nature Microbiology Journal Article Woodall MNJ, Cujba A-M, Worlock KB, Case K-M, Masonou T, Yoshida M, Polanski K, Huang N, Lindeboom RGH, Mamanova L, Bolt L, Richardson L, Cakir B, Ellis S, Palor M, Burgoyne T, Pinto A, Moulding D, McHugh TD, Saleh A, Kilich E, Mehta P, O’Callaghan C, Zhou J, Barclay W, DeCoppi P, Butler CR, Cortina-Borja M, Vinette H, Roy S, Breuer J, Chambers RC, Heywood WE, Mills K, Hynds RE, Teichmann SA, Meyer KB, Nikolić MZ, Smith CM 01/05/2024
An updated framework for SARS-CoV-2 variants reflects the unpredictability of viral evolution. Nature Medicine Journal Article Subissi L, Otieno JR, Worp N, Attar Cohen H, Oude Munnink BB, Abu-Raddad LJ, Alm E, Barakat A, Barclay WS, Bhiman JN, Caly L, Chand M, Chen M, Cullinane A, de Oliveira T, Drosten C, Druce J, Effler P, El Masry I, Faye A, Ghedin E, Grant R, Haagmans BL, Happi C, Herring BL, Hodcroft EB, Ikejezie J, Katawera V, Kassamali ZA, Leo Y-S, Leung GM, Kondor RJ, Marklewitz M, Mendez-Rico J, Melhem NM, Munster V, Nahapetyan K, Naindoo D, Oh D-Y, Peacock TP, Peiris M, Peng Z, Poon LLM, Rambaut A, Saha S, Shen Y, Siqueira MM, Volz E, Tessema SK, Thiel V, Triki H, van der Werf S, von Eije K, Cunningham J, Koopmans MPG, von Gottberg A, Agrawal A, Van Kerkhove MD 08/05/2024
Assessing the stability and sporicidal efficacy of oxidizing disinfectants. Journal of Hospital Infection Journal Article Brown L, Marshall A, Conway L, Otter J, Norville P, Clarke J 03/05/2024
Associations between wastewater gut microbiome and community obesity rates: Potential microbial biomarkers for surveillance Journal Article Wu J, Chen Y, Zhao J, Prosun TA, O’Brien JW, Coin L, Hai FI, Sanderson-Smith M, Bi P, Jiang G 01/05/2024
Bacteriophages avoid autoimmunity from cognate immune systems as an intrinsic part of their life cycles. Nature Microbiology Journal Article Rostøl JT, Quiles-Puchalt N, Iturbe-Sanz P, Lasa Í, Penadés JR 01/05/2024
Cortactin stabilizes actin branches by bridging activated Arp2/3 to its nucleated actin filament. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Journal Article Liu T, Cao L, Mladenov M, Jegou A, Way M, Moores CA 01/05/2024
Determinants of the optimal selection of vascular access devices: A systematic review underpinned by the COM-B behavioural model. Journal of Advanced Nursing Journal Article, Review Fernández-Fernández I, Castro-Sánchez E, Blanco-Mavillard I 02/05/2024
Driving delivery and uptake of catch-up vaccination among adolescent and adult migrants in UK general practice: a mixed methods pilot study. BMC Medicine Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Crawshaw AF, Goldsmith LP, Deal A, Carter J, Knights F, Seedat F, Lau K, Hayward SE, Yong J, Fyle D, Aspray N, Iwami M, Ciftci Y, Wurie F, Majeed A, Forster AS, Hargreaves S 03/05/2024
Effectiveness of preventive treatment among different age groups and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection status: a systematic review and individual-participant data meta-analysis of contact tracing studies. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Journal Article Martinez L, Seddon JA, Horsburgh CR, Lange C, Mandalakas AM, TB Contact Studies Consortium 08/05/2024
Enhanced CD95 and interleukin 18 signalling accompany T cell receptor Vβ21.3+ activation in multi-inflammatory syndrome in children. Nature Communications Journal Article Zhang Z, Kean IRL, Dratva LM, Clark JA, Syrimi E, Khan N, Daubney E, White D, O’Neill L, Chisholm C, Payne C, Benkenstein S, Kupiec K, Galassini R, Wright V, Winmill H, Robbins C, Brown K, Ramnarayan P, Scholefield B, Peters M, Klein N, Montgomery H, Meyer KB, Teichmann SA, Bryant C, Taylor G, Pathan N 18/05/2024
Global Prevalence of Aspirin Use for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study of Nationally Representative, Individual-Level Data. Global Heart Letter, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t, Journal Article Yoo SGK, Chung GS, Bahendeka SK, Sibai AM, Damasceno A, Farzadfar F, Rohloff P, Houehanou C, Norov B, Karki KB, Azangou-Khyavy M, Marcus ME, Aryal KK, Brant LCC, Theilmann M, Cífková R, Lunet N, Gurung MS, Mwangi JK, Martins J, Haghshenas R, Sturua L, Vollmer S, Bärnighausen T, Atun R, Sussman JB, Singh K, Moghaddam SS, Guwatudde D, Geldsetzer P, Manne-Goehler J, Huffman MD, Davies JI, Flood D 03/05/2024
Host gene expression signatures to identify infection type and organ dysfunction in children evaluated for sepsis: a multicentre cohort study. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health Multicenter Study, Journal Article Schlapbach LJ, Ganesamoorthy D, Wilson C, Raman S, George S, Snelling PJ, Phillips N, Irwin A, Sharp N, Le Marsney R, Chavan A, Hempenstall A, Bialasiewicz S, MacDonald AD, Grimwood K, Kling JC, McPherson SJ, Blumenthal A, Kaforou M, Levin M, Herberg JA, Gibbons KS, Coin LJM, EUCLIDS consortium, RAPIDS Study Group 01/05/2024
HTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy (HAM) Incidence in Asymptomatic Carriers and Intermediate Syndrome (IS) Patients. Pathogens Journal Article Marcusso RMDN, Assone T, Haziot ME, Smid J, Folgosi VA, Rosadas C, Casseb J, de Oliveira ACP, The Htlv-Clinical Definition Working Group 13/05/2024
Human antibody signatures towards the Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein after natural infection and vaccination. EBioMedicine Journal Article Rosenkrands I, Olsen AW, Knudsen S, Dehari N, Juel HB, Cheeseman HM, Andersen P, Shattock RJ, Follmann F 13/05/2024
MAVMET trial: maraviroc and/or metformin for metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease(MAFLD) in adults with suppressed HIV. AIDS Journal Article Mccabe L, Burns JE, Latifoltojar A, Post FA, Fox J, Pool E, Waters A, Santana B, Garvey L, Johnson M, Mcguinness I, Chouhan M, Edwards J, Goodman AL, Cooke G, Murphy C, Collaco-Moraes Y, Webb H, Gregory A, Mohamed F, Rauchenberger M, Ryder SD, Sandford C, Baker JV, Angus B, Boesecke C, Orkin C, Punwani S, Clark A, Gilson R, Dunn D, Pett SL, MAVMET Study group 31/05/2024
Missed opportunities for hand hygiene at the patient’s bedside: a pilot descriptive study. Journal of Hospital Infection Letter Mbamalu O, Bonaconsa C, Surendran S, Nampoothiri V, Pennel T, Boutall A, Papavarnavas N, Singh S, Holmes A, Charani E, Mendelson M 01/05/2024
Novel antivirals for severe enterovirus infection in immunocompromised hosts; A case series. Journal of Infection Letter, Case Reports Meinhardt A, Reilly L, Kaliakatsos M, Abdel-Aziz K, Alsharidah S, Bodi I, Booth C, Chetty K, Evans J, Ferreras-Antolín L, Froude S, Galtrey CM, Guruprasad S, Hadden RD, Hassell J, Hyöty H, Kreins AY, Laiho JE, Lowe DM, Lunn MP, Mankad K, Struik S, Whittaker E, Worth A, Yong P, Zhang L, Breuer J, Kadambari S 01/05/2024
On the lookout for post-streptococcal complications in the UK Archives of Disease in Childhood Editorial Material, Early Access, Journal Healy J, Longbottom K, Kent A, Whittaker E, Parks T 17/05/2024
Plasma Protein Biomarkers Distinguish Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children From Other Pediatric Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Journal Article Yeoh S, Estrada-Rivadeneyra D, Jackson H, Keren I, Galassini R, Cooray S, Shah P, Agyeman P, Basmaci R, Carrol E, Emonts M, Fink C, Kuijpers T, Martinon-Torres F, Mommert-Tripon M, Paulus S, Pokorn M, Rojo P, Romani L, Schlapbach L, Schweintzger N, Shen C-F, Tsolia M, Usuf E, van der Flier M, Vermont C, von Both U, Yeung S, Zavadska D, Coin L, Cunnington A, Herberg J, Levin M, Kaforou M, Hamilton S, PERFORM, DIAMONDS and UK KD Genetic Consortia 01/05/2024
Rapid expansion and international spread of M1UK in the post-pandemic UK upsurge of Streptococcus pyogenes. Nature Communications Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Vieira A, Wan Y, Ryan Y, Li HK, Guy RL, Papangeli M, Huse KK, Reeves LC, Soo VWC, Daniel R, Harley A, Broughton K, Dhami C, Ganner M, Ganner MA, Mumin Z, Razaei M, Rundberg E, Mammadov R, Mills EA, Sgro V, Mok KY, Didelot X, Croucher NJ, Jauneikaite E, Lamagni T, Brown CS, Coelho J, Sriskandan S 10/05/2024
Relational coordination and stigma at work:  how frontline employees compensate for failures in public health systems Journal of Management Studies Article George G, Chaturvedi S, Corbishley C, Atun R 01/05/2024
Sex inequalities in cardiovascular risk prediction Cardiovascular Research Journal article Elliott J, Bodinier B, Whitaker M, Wada R, Cooke G, Ward H, Tzoulaki I, Elliott P, Chadeau M 04/06/2024
Should we replace nail plates after repairing nail bed injuries in children? Archives of Disease in Childhood Journal Article Iio K, Hanna H, Salter R, Maconochie IK 22/05/2024
Structures of H5N1 influenza polymerase with ANP32B reveal mechanisms of genome replication and host adaptation. Nature Communications Journal Article Staller E, Carrique L, Swann OC, Fan H, Keown JR, Sheppard CM, Barclay WS, Grimes JM, Fodor E 15/05/2024
System-wide approaches to antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial resistance in the UK: the AMR-X framework. The Lancet Microbe Journal Article, Review, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t AMR-X Collaborators 01/05/2024
Testing novel strategies for patients hospitalised with HIV-associated disseminated tuberculosis (NewStrat-TB): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials Journal Article, Clinical Trial Protocol Namale PE, Boloko L, Vermeulen M, Haigh KA, Bagula F, Maseko A, Sossen B, Lee-Jones S, Msomi Y, McIlleron H, Mnguni AT, Crede T, Szymanski P, Naude J, Ebrahim S, Vallie Y, Moosa MS, Bandeker I, Hoosain S, Nicol MP, Samodien N, Centner C, Dowling W, Denti P, Gumedze F, Little F, Parker A, Price B, Schietekat D, Simmons B, Hill A, Wilkinson RJ, Oliphant I, Hlungulu S, Apolisi I, Toleni M, Asare Z, Mpalali MK, Boshoff E, Prinsloo D, Lakay F, Bekiswa A, Jackson A, Barnes A, Johnson R, Wasserman S, Maartens G, Barr D, Schutz C, Meintjes G 08/05/2024
Thermally Robust Solvent-Free Liquid Polyplexes for Heat-Shock Protection and Long-Term Room Temperature Storage of Therapeutic Nucleic Acids. Biomacromolecules Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t Chen Y, Lin X, Liu X, Liu Y, Bui-Le L, Blakney AK, Yeow J, Zhu Y, Stevens MM, Shattock RJ, Chen R, Brogan APS, Hallett JP 13/05/2024
Three-dimensional culture modelling reveals divergent Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence and antimicrobial treatment response Cellular Microbiology Article Bielecka MK, Tezera LB, Konstantinopoulou E, Casali N, Katsamenis OL, Gonzalo X, Drobniewski F, Elkington PT 03/05/2024
Towards a machine-learning assisted non-invasive classification of dengue severity using wearable PPG data: a prospective clinical study EBioMedicine Article Karolcik S, Manginas V, Ho Quang C, Daniels J, Nguyen Thi G, Vu Ngo Thanh H, Hoang Minh TV, Khanh Phan Nguyen Q, Hernandez Perez B, Ming D, Nguyen Van H, Phan Tu Q, Huynh Trung T, Luong Thi Hue T, Holmes A, Thwaites L, Phan Vinh T, Yacoub S, Georgiou P 01/06/2024
Varicella zoster virus-induced autophagy in human neuronal and hematopoietic cells exerts antiviral activity. Journal of Medical Virology Journal Article Heinz JL, Hinke DM, Maimaitili M, Wang J, Sabli IKD, Thomsen M, Farahani E, Ren F, Hu L, Zillinger T, Grahn A, von Hofsten J, Verjans GMGM, Paludan SR, Viejo-Borbolla A, Sancho-Shimizu V, Mogensen TH 01/06/2024
Why not eliminate HTLV-1 while eliminating HIV-1? The Lancet Journal Article, Letter Maertens GN, Purcell DFJ, Rosadas C, Bradshaw D, Biglione M, Taylor GP, Martin F 25/05/2024
Zombie malaria parasites. Science Journal Article, Comment Carlton JM, Cunnington AJ 03/05/2024