Latest publications: March 2024

Hammersmith Campus

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our round-up of the latest publication successes.

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Title Canonical journal title Publication type Authors OR Authors/Contributors Publication date
A novel method to quantify fibrin-fibrin and fibrin-α2AP cross-links in thrombi formed from human trauma patient plasma. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Journal Article Morrow GB, Flannery S, Charles PD, Heilig R, Feller T, McQuilten Z, Wake E, Ariens RAS, Winearls J, Mutch NJ, Fischer R, Laffan MA, Curry N 08/03/2024
An update on the global disparities in kidney disease burden and care across world countries and regions. The Lancet Global Health Review, Journal Article Bello AK, Okpechi IG, Levin A, Ye F, Damster S, Arruebo S, Donner J-A, Caskey FJ, Cho Y, Davids MR, Davison SN, Htay H, Jha V, Lalji R, Malik C, Nangaku M, See E, Sozio SM, Tonelli M, Wainstein M, Yeung EK, Johnson DW, ISN-GKHA Group 01/03/2024
Banff 2022 pancreas transplantation multidisciplinary report: Refinement of guidelines for T cell-mediated rejection, antibody-mediated rejection and islet pathology. Assessment of duodenal cuff biopsies and noninvasive diagnostic methods. American Journal of Transplantation Journal Article Drachenberg CB, Buettner-Herold M, Aguiar PV, Horsfield C, Mikhailov AV, Papadimitriou JC, Seshan SV, Perosa M, Boggi U, Uva P, Rickels M, Grzyb K, Arend L, Cuatrecasas M, Toniolo MF, Farris AB, Renaudin K, Zhang L, Roufousse C, Gruessner A, Gruessner R, Kandaswamy R, White S, Burke G, Cantarovich D, Parsons RF, Cooper M, Kudva YC, Kukla A, Haririan A, Parajuli S, Merino-Torres JF, Argente-Pla M, Meier R, Dunn T, Ugarte R, Rao JS, Vistoli F, Stratta R, Odorico J 01/03/2024
Delivering Person-Centered Peritoneal Dialysis Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Article, Early Access, Journal Corbett RW, Beckwith H, Lucisano G, Brown EA 01/03/2024
Dose modification dynamics of ponatinib in patients with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CP-CML) from the PACE and OPTIC trials. Leukemia Journal Article Jabbour E, Apperley J, Cortes J, Rea D, Deininger M, Abruzzese E, Chuah C, DeAngelo DJ, Hochhaus A, Lipton JH, Mauro M, Nicolini F, Pinilla-Ibarz J, Rosti G, Rousselot P, Shah NP, Talpaz M, Vorog A, Ren X, Kantarjian H 01/03/2024
Effects of rare kidney diseases on kidney failure: a longitudinal analysis of the UK National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) cohort. The Lancet Journal Article Wong K, Pitcher D, Braddon F, Downward L, Steenkamp R, Annear N, Barratt J, Bingham C, Chrysochou C, Coward RJ, Game D, Griffin S, Hall M, Johnson S, Kanigicherla D, Karet Frankl F, Kavanagh D, Kerecuk L, Maher ER, Moochhala S, Pinney J, Sayer JA, Simms R, Sinha S, Srivastava S, Tam FWK, Turner AN, Walsh SB, Waters A, Wilson P, Wong E, Taylor CM, Nitsch D, Saleem M, Bockenhauer D, Bramham K, Gale DP, RaDaR consortium 30/03/2024
Evidence for immune activation in pathogenesis of the HLA class II associated disease, podoconiosis. Nature Communications Journal Article Negash M, Chanyalew M, Girma T, Alemu F, Alcantara D, Towler B, Davey G, Boyton RJ, Altmann DM, Howe R, Newport MJ 06/03/2024
Expert United Kingdom consensus on the preservation of joint health in people with moderate and severe haemophilia A: A modified Delphi panel. Haemophilia Journal Article Laffan M, McLaughlin P, Motwani J, Alamelu J, Austin S, Classey S, Dolan G, Eales M, Gooding R, Grainger J, Harrison C, Jones A, Kelly AM, Oyesiku L, Rodgers R, Stephensen D, Talks K, Sonecha S, Danquah A 01/03/2024
Immune system perturbations in patients with long COVID. Trends in Molecular Medicine Journal Article Rodriguez L, Brodin P 01/03/2024
Impact of donor NKG2D and MICA gene polymorphism on clinical outcomes of adult and paediatric allogeneic cord blood transplantation for malignant diseases. European Journal of Haematology Journal Article Cox ST, Patterson W, Duggleby R, Jones OJR, Madrigal JA, Querol S, Salvador FR, Mata MJH, Volt F, Gluckman É, Szydlo R, Danby RD, Hernandez D 21/03/2024
Long term outcomes of nonmyeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation with TSEB TLI and ATG for Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome. Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal Article Morris SL, Thomas BR, Palanicawandar R, Whittaker S, Child F, Wain M, Sim V, Szydlo R, Mangar S, Olavarria E, Lozano Cerrada S, Muzamil A, Kanfer E 12/03/2024
Long-term safety and efficacy outcomes of valoctocogene roxaparvovec gene transfer up to 6 years post-treatment. Haemophilia Clinical Trial, Phase II, Clinical Trial, Phase I, Journal Article Symington E, Rangarajan S, Lester W, Madan B, Pierce GF, Raheja P, Robinson TM, Osmond D, Russell CB, Vettermann C, Agarwal SK, Li M, Wong WY, Laffan M 01/03/2024
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor blockade reprograms macrophages and disrupts prosurvival signaling in acute myeloid leukemia. Cell Death Discovery Journal Article Spertini C, Bénéchet AP, Birch F, Bellotti A, Román-Trufero M, Arber C, Auner HW, Mitchell RA, Spertini O, Smirnova T 28/03/2024
Promoter-centred chromatin interactions associated with EVI1 expression in EVI1+3q- myeloid leukaemia cells. British Journal of Haematology Journal Article Ng HL, Robinson ME, May PC, Innes AJ, Hiemeyer C, Feldhahn N 01/03/2024
Pseudo-Chediak-Higashi anomaly in acute myeloid leukemia American Journal of Hematology Editorial Material, Early Access, Journal Hazarika B, Bain BJ 04/10/2024
The 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of mature lymphoid and stromal tumors – an overview and update. Leukemia and Lymphoma Journal Article, Review Attygalle AD, Chan JKC, Coupland SE, Du M-Q, Ferry JA, Jong DD, Gratzinger D, Lim MS, Naresh KN, Nicolae A, Ott G, Rosenwald A, Schuh A, Siebert R 01/04/2024
The Banff 2022 Kidney Meeting Report: Reappraisal of microvascular inflammation and the role of biopsy-based transcript diagnostics. American Journal of Transplantation Journal Article Naesens M, Roufosse C, Haas M, Lefaucheur C, Mannon RB, Adam BA, Aubert O, Böhmig GA, Callemeyn J, Clahsen-van Groningen M, Cornell LD, Demetris AJ, Drachenberg CB, Einecke G, Fogo AB, Gibson IW, Halloran P, Hidalgo LG, Horsfield C, Huang E, Kikić Ž, Kozakowski N, Nankivell B, Rabant M, Randhawa P, Riella LV, Sapir-Pichhadze R, Schinstock C, Solez K, Tambur AR, Thaunat O, Wiebe C, Zielinski D, Colvin R, Loupy A, Mengel M 01/03/2024
The Banff 2022 Kidney Meeting Work Plan: Data-driven refinement of the Banff Classification for renal allografts. American Journal of Transplantation Journal Article Roufosse C, Naesens M, Haas M, Lefaucheur C, Mannon RB, Afrouzian M, Alachkar N, Aubert O, Bagnasco SM, Batal I, Bellamy COC, Broecker V, Budde K, Clahsen-Van Groningen M, Coley SM, Cornell LD, Dadhania D, Demetris AJ, Einecke G, Farris AB, Fogo AB, Friedewald J, Gibson IW, Horsfield C, Huang E, Husain SA, Jackson AM, Kers J, Kikić Ž, Klein A, Kozakowski N, Liapis H, Mangiola M, Montgomery RA, Nankinvell B, Neil DAH, Nickerson P, Rabant M, Randhawa P, Riella LV, Rosales I, Royal V, Sapir-Pichhadze R, Sarder P, Sarwal M, Schinstock C, Stegall M, Solez K, van der Laak J, Wiebe C, Colvin RB, Loupy A, Mengel M 01/03/2024
The Effect of Acute Knee Injuries and Related Knee Surgery on Serum Levels of Pro- and Anti-inflammatory Lipid Mediators and Their Associations With Knee Symptoms. American Journal of Sports Medicine Journal Article Turnbull J, Jha RR, Barrett DA, Valdes AM, Alderson J, Williams A, Vincent TL, Watt FE, Chapman V 01/03/2024
The fifth edition of the WHO classification of mature B-cell neoplasms: open questions for research. Journal of Pathology Journal Article, Review Coupland SE, Du M-Q, Ferry JA, de Jong D, Khoury JD, Leoncini L, Naresh KN, Ott G, Siebert R, Xerri L, WHO 5th Edition Classification Project 01/03/2024
The Improved Kidney Risk Score in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis for Clinical Practice and Trials. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Journal Article Bate S, McGovern D, Costigliolo F, Tan PG, Kratky V, Scott J, Chapman GB, Brown N, Floyd L, Brilland B, Martín-Nares E, Aydın MF, Ilyas D, Butt A, Nic An Riogh E, Kollar M, Lees JS, Yildiz A, Hinojosa-Azaola A, Dhaygude A, Roberts SA, Rosenberg A, Wiech T, Pusey CD, Jones RB, Jayne DRW, Bajema I, Jennette JC, Stevens KI, Augusto JF, Mejía-Vilet JM, Dhaun N, McAdoo SP, Tesar V, Little MA, Geetha D, Brix SR 01/03/2024
Therapeutic inhibition of monocyte recruitment prevents checkpoint inhibitor-induced hepatitis Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer Journal Article Gudd C, Mitchell E, Atkinson S, Mawhin M-A, Turajlic S, Larkin J, Thursz M, Goldin R, Powell N, Antoniades C, Woollard K, Possamai L, Triantafyllou E 04/04/2024
Treatment-free remission in CML patients with additional chromosome abnormalities in the Philadelphia-positive clone or variant Philadelphia translocations. American Journal of Hematology Letter Claudiani S, Chee L, Fernando F, Brown L, Achandira UM, Khan A, Rothwell K, Hayden C, Koutsavlis I, Hannah G, Innes A, Apperley JF, Milojkovic D 04/03/2024
Use of coronarycomputed tomography for cardiovascular risk assessment in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Heart Journal Article, Review Peverelli M, Maughan RT, Gopalan D, Dweck MR, Dey D, Buch MH, Rudd JHF, Tarkin JM 22/03/2024
Versican associates with tumour immune phenotype and limits T cell trafficking via chondroitin sulfate. Cancer Research Communications Journal Article Hirani P, McDermott J, Rajeeve V, Cutillas PR, Jones JL, Pennington DJ, Wight TN, Santamaria S, Alonge KM, Pearce OMT 22/03/2024