In the lead up to her retirement, Dr Letizia Foroni, Principal Teaching Fellow in the Department of Immunology and Inflammation, reflects on her career in haematology.
Rest in Peace (R.I.P.): that is what I feel will happen in a few weeks. I will be able to rest…and not feel guilty for it!
I am about to retire, at the end of February 2022, exactly 40 years since I started working at what was then known as the Royal Postgraduate Medical School and Medical Research Council Leukaemia Unit. This was where, totally out of the blue, I landed on 9 June 1982.
A one-way ticket to London
I arrived from Italy to attend the worldwide renowned ‘Advances in Haematology’ course after a preliminary contact with the head of the Unit, Prof Lucio Luzzatto, and my consultant, Prof Corrocher. What only my mother knew was that I had bought a one-way ticket on a plane from Milan Airport. Verona, where I was born, didn’t even have an airport from where one could fly to London. (more…)