Mid-career Academic Women: Strategies, Choices and Motivation

An event is taking place in conjunction with Kings College to launch a recent research report entitled, ‘Mid-career Academic Women: Strategies, Choices and Motivation’.

This event will be at King’s College London, The Strand, on Monday 23rd March 4pm-6pm.

The purpose of the event is to share the key findings and recommendations from the research, funded by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, in which mid-career academic women were interviewed from a variety of London institutions about their career plans. There will be a chance to discuss and debate the findings and their implications. From 5pm there will be wine, soft drinks and nibbles.

All are welcome – academics, researchers, leaders, managers and anyone else with an interest in this subject. It would be useful if you could get in touch if you plan to attend.

Please email tania.de_st_croix@kcl.ac.uk to book your space, and we will send more details nearer the time.