Funding successes: Q4 2024

Congratulations to Professor Brendan Delaney on his recent funding success.

Well done to all Principal Investigators and teams in the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our quarterly round-up of funding successes.*

October 2024

Proposal Dept/Group Infoed PI Name Infoed Sponsor  Infoed Proposal Title Infoed Awarded Value (£)**
Anaesthetics Harriet Kemp British Journal of Anaesthesia Persistent Pain following Combat Trauma £74,110.61
Cancer Iain McNeish CRUK Cancer Research UK Super-resolution microscopy to investigate epigenetic evolution in ovarian high grade serous carcinoma £27,915.80
General Surgery Brendan Delaney NIHR National Institute for Health Research Artificial Intelligence for cancer early diagnosis in general practice. £2,540,647.31
Hamlyn Centre Daniel Elson Enacuity Limited Smart Lap study at Charing Cross Hospital £75,000.00
Oesophageal-gastric George Hanna NIHR National Institute for Health Research PANACEA: PAN Alimentary Cancer Exhaled breath Analysis £1,934,174.00
Simulation Centre Roger Kneebone The Charles Plater Trust Simulation-based Holistic Approach for Reducing and Preventing Knife Violence in young people £29,988.00
Vascular Alun Davies NIHR National Institute for Health Research Pre doctoral fellowship to support training and experiential work to submit a PhD project improving recruitment and retention to randomised controlled trials £62,597.00

Congratulations to Professor Anthony Gordon on his recent funding success.

November 2024

Proposal Dept/Group Infoed PI Name Infoed Sponsor  Infoed Proposal Title Infoed Awarded Value (£)**
Anaesthetics Kieran O’Dea British Journal of Anaesthesia Regulation of the systemic inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass by neutrophil extracellular vesicles £72,377.07
Anaesthetics Anthony Gordon NIHR National Institute for Health Research Precision medicine Adaptive Network platform Trial in Hypoxemic acutE respiratory failuRe (PANTHER) £4,395,384.97
Cancer Rohini Sharma The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust HCC Liver Surveillance Project £109,513.97
CRUK – ICR Axel Behrens CRUK Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre Clinical Research Fellowship Award £265,453.01
Oesophageal-gastric George Hanna Rosetrees Trust Development of a breath test using Volatile Organic markers for monitoring Cirrhosis and detecting primary Liver Tumours (VOCAL2) £86,577.31
Oesophageal-gastric George Hanna Stoneygate Trust Part 2 Development of a breath test using Volatile Organic markers for monitoring Cirrhosis and detecting primary Liver Tumours (VOCAL2) £86,577.31

Congratulations to Professor Axel Behrens on his recent funding success.

December 2024

Proposal Dept/Group Infoed PI Name Infoed Sponsor  Infoed Proposal Title Infoed Awarded Value (£)**
CRUK – ICR Axel Behrens CRUK Cancer Research UK Microfluidic Full spectrum Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles for Early Detection and Therapy Monitoring £145,410.03

** This is the total project value, including subprojects.

*Dude, where’s my grant? A disclaimer:

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from the College’s strategic reporting dashboards, relating to FoM. This means that, typically, we only include awards on this list which have been set up on the College’s grants management system, in accordance with the Joint Research Office’s policies and processes. As a result, there may be a delay in promoting some awards.