Tag: working culture

In profile: Dr Cynthia Sandor, ‪Edmond J Safra Lecturer in Parkinson’s Disease

In our latest instalment of DoBS profiles, we spoke to Dr Cynthia Sandor, Edmond J Safra Lecturer in Parkinson’s Disease who has recently joined the department. Here Cynthia tells us more about her research interests but also what inspired her to pursue research in Parkinson’s Disease. 


In profile: Jennifer Crow, NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow

Image of Dr Jennifer Crow Department of Brain Sciences

As part of our in profile series, we spoke to Jennifer Crow, NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow and PhD student at Imperial. Here, she tells us more about her experience in stroke care and what winning the Department of Brain Sciences Public Engagement award means to her.


In profile: Dr Stefano Sandrone, Senior Teaching Fellow

In the latest instalment of our Staff Profile series, we spoke to Senior Teaching Fellow Dr Stefano Sandrone, who was recently awarded a President’s Award for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience.

Stefano Sandrone
Stefano Sandrone

Introduce yourself – who are you and what do you do? 

I am an Italian neuroscientist, a Senior Teaching Fellow and a Principal Investigator within the Computational, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Laboratory (C3NL). I also have international leadership roles in research and education. 

When did you join the College and where were you working before this?

In January 2018. Before joining the College, I was a Teaching Fellow at King’s College London, where I completed my PhD and a brief postdoc.

What is the most rewarding part of your role?

Mentoring the next generation of neuroscientists. 

And the most challenging?

I like taking challenges.

What do you think is the most important factor in creating an effective and positive learning environment for students?

Four factors: respect, knowledge, enthusiasm and experience. (more…)

In profile: Dawn Tharpe, Section Manager

Dawn Tharpe
Dawn Tharpe

In the latest instalment of our Staff Profile series, we spoke to Dawn Tharpe about her role as a Section Manager and her top tips for working remotely.

Introduce yourself – who are you and what do you do?

My name is Dawn Tharpe and I am Section Manager for the Division of Neurology in the Department of Brain Sciences. (more…)

In profile: Dr Johanna Jackson, Scientific Project Manager – UK Dementia Research Institute

Johanna Jackson
Dr Johanna Jackson

In the first edition of our Brain Sciences Staff Profile series, we spoke to Dr Johanna Jackson about working as a Scientific Project Manager for the UK Dementia Research Insitute at Imperial, and taking up the role of Athena SWAN lead for the Department. (more…)