Funding successes: January 2023

View of greens trees and South Kensington Campus from Exhibition Road

Congratulations to all members of the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our round-up of the latest funding successes.

Please note, this list comprises awards that have recently been set up on College’s grants management system, with some manual additions. It may not, therefore, include all new grants awarded to Principal Investigators in the Department.

Project Lead Co-Investigator Funder Combined Scheme Project Title Amount
John Tregoning Sophie Higham UKRI UK Research and Innovation Catalyst project Maximising mucosal responses to mRNA vaccines for Acinetobacter baumannii £40,000
David Riglar BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Developing engineering biology breakthrough ideas Engineering bacterial sense and respond systems to tune microbial community dynamics £125,000
Graham Cooke Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding BRC 22-27 BRC Renewal – Infection & AMR theme £4,104,000
Myrsini Kaforou Jesus Rodriguez-Manzano Rosetrees Trust Optimise discovery and application of transcriptomic signatures for diagnosis of infectious diseases using machine learning and PCR-based technologies £175,366

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