Author: Eleni Chatzilakou

From Ideas to Innovation: The Tech Bros x Imperial Hackathon Journey

The Tech Bros x Imperial Hackathon 2024, was a resounding success, marking a transformative experience for all participants. Organized by Women in STEM @ Imperial College in partnership with The Tech Bros and Google, the event created an empowering environment designed to celebrate and support women in tech.

  • Day 1: Kickoff at Google

The Google office buzzed with excitement as attendees mingled, shared their aspirations, and prepared for the days ahead. The opening event set the tone with motivational discussions with industry leaders and VC experts, emphasizing the importance of women in tech and the limitless possibilities awaiting them.

Day 2: Immersive Learning at Imperial White City Campus

On the 2nd day, the hackathon moved to the Imperial White City Campus where participants engaged in hands-on coding challenges and workshops. Expert mentors provided personalized guidance, helping both novice and experienced coders enhance their skills in Python, machine learning, and AI models. The collaborative environment fostered creativity and innovation, as participants worked together.

One attendee shared her experience, emphasizing the educational and inspiring panel discussions led by founders and venture capitalists. “As a beginner coder, I gained a lot of knowledge and developed new skills with the help of dynamic mentors. It was an amazing opportunity to meet incredible women, practice my communication skills, and receive valuable feedback. Attending the Women in STEM x TheTechBros hackathon was incredibly empowering.” She said: “Collaborating on a project and pitching it to judges was a fantastic opportunity to enhance my communication skills and get feedback. This enriching experience provided essential career tools and connections with supportive women. Events like this are vital for skill development and showcasing the brilliance of women in STEM. I look forward to more opportunities like this!”

  • Day 3: Pitching and Prizes

The final day focused on pitching projects to a panel of judges, comprised of industry experts, providing insightful feedback, and helping participants refine their ideas further. The top three teams or individuals, earned the opportunity to have a private lunch with Google executives, discussing startup ideas and gaining valuable insights.

The hackathon was not just about coding; it was about building a community. Participants connected with industry founders, venture capitalists, and fellow coders, expanding their professional networks and exploring potential collaborations. The event emphasized co-founder matchmaking, encouraging participants to find like-minded individuals for future entrepreneurial ventures.

Thank you to all the participants, mentors, and partners who made this event a remarkable success. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for these incredible women in STEM!

P.S. Your journeys have inspired me. As this is my last blog, I wish you all onward and upward. Until we meet again!

With more to come, yours,
Eleni – Lead web administrator

Breaking Barriers: Navigating the Exit from Academia

In the realm of academia, women pursuing careers in STEM often encounter a complex array of challenges and opportunities as they strive to chart their paths beyond conventional boundaries. Recently, our event “Breaking Barriers: Women in STEM PhD Edition—Navigating the Exit from Academia” brought together a diverse group of individuals, embarking on a shared journey of empowerment.

The event featured an impressive lineup of speakers (from left to right), including Dr. Adele Lam, leveraging her expertise as an Associate Consultant at Bain & Company; Dr. Helena Dodd, a Policy Advisor at the Cabinet Office and former WIS president; Dr. Carolina Feijao, offering valuable insights as a Senior Policy Advisor in Research and Innovation at the Royal Academy of Engineering; Dr. Chiara Board, the innovative Founder and CEO of P Happi; Dr. Neneh Sallah, exploring the realms of Human Genetics and Genomics at GSK; and Dr. Fenni Kang, pioneering new territories as Head of EMEA/Head of Derivatives at Antalpha.

Each panellist shared their unique experiences, portraying a diverse landscape of possibilities beyond academia. From shaping policies to venturing into entrepreneurship, consultancy, scientific research, and leadership, their varied paths illuminated the multitude of opportunities available to women in STEM. The event was further enriched by sponsorship from Optiver, with Bruna Goncalves encouraging participants to explore unconventional career paths within the STEM domain.

The atmosphere of the event was electric, as participants engaged in lively discussions, posing thoughtful questions, and exchanging personal stories. As the event drew to a close, an inspiring Q&A session provided a fitting conclusion to a day filled with insights and shared experiences.

Attending the event “Breaking Barriers: Woman in STEM – PhD edition” was an incredibly enriching and empowering experience! I was able to hear firsthand the accounts of amazing women about their journeys pursuing PhDs and navigating various and diverse career paths. I was absolutely enlightened by their perspectives and advice. It was inspiring to learn both about how they overcame the challenges they were faced with and about the multitude  of opportunities available within STEM fields. The Q&A session was amazing, and the lunch gathering that followed the event enabled me to network and talk 1:1 with the speakers.”
       – BSc Medical Biosciences Student

Looking back, “Breaking Barriers: Women in STEM PhD Edition” transcended its role as a mere event—it became a narrative of resilience and underscored the importance of collaboration in paving the way for a future where every woman in STEM can thrive.

This event marks just the beginning of a series. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and initiatives, as many more stories are waiting to be told and countless barriers are waiting to be broken.

With more to come, yours,

Carolina and
Eleni – Lead web administrator

A New Chapter Begins: Women in STEM at Imperial

Hello and welcome to an exciting new era for the Women in STEM at Imperial!

On behalf of all of us in the new committee (About us), it is my pleasure to reintroduce our organization. We’re reigniting the spark of innovation, inclusivity, and inspiration, with a renewed commitment to our core goals.

Our mission
Our mission is unequivocal: we aim to inspire and support girls and women in reaching their utmost potential in engineering, applied sciences, and technical leadership roles. We firmly believe in unleashing potential and magnifying the impact through encouragement.
Join us on this transformative journey

We are excited to unveil a series of upcoming educational events, mentoring programs, and networking opportunities designed to cater to your aspirations. Whether you are in search of guidance or keen to mentor others, our platform welcomes you with open arms. (What’s on)
As part of our commitment to building bridges and fostering growth, we invite you to become a member of our thriving community. We are more than just an organization; we are a nurturing hub for both personal and professional development. Join us and be a part of a community committed to your growth and empowerment in STEM. (Membership)

Mentorship: Your Path to Growth
Become a part of something bigger. For those interested in mentorship, whether as a mentee or mentor, we extend a warm invitation. Your experience and insights can make a difference. (Mentoring programme)

Collaborating for Change
We stand at the crossroads of departments at Imperial, fostering an environment rich in ideas and career opportunities for students and staff. We aim to be the catalyst for impactful exchanges that open doors and broaden horizons. (Groups at Imperial)

Inclusive Dialogue, Diverse Connections
Our group is a tapestry of diverse stakeholders, from industrial partners to academia and students to staff. We’re committed to facilitating meaningful dialogues, forging lasting connections, and challenging our partners to embrace diversity in every facet of their organizations. (Blogs, News)

We look forward to having you on board. Together, let’s shape a brighter future in STEM.
Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to be a part of this transformative journey.

With more to come, yours,
Eleni – Lead web administrator