The Good Science Project Animated Film Project for PhD Students & Post-Docs (Jan-July 2025)

The Good Science Project is excited to announce an animated film project, and warmly invites PhD students and post-doctoral staff to join. If you are keen to extend your science communication skills, or wonder whether you can use art to illuminate your research, this project may be for you.

We will be working with two animators, artists-in-residence for The Good Science Project, Litza Jansz and Esther Neslen. Our interest is in daily science, in other words the ordinary practice that makes up such a large part of research, but is so little described. In our animation project you will learn animation skills, such as Rotoscope, and you also will learn to think about your research in new ways. This really is innovative science communication.

We will meet once a month, on Wednesday afternoons, with lunch included. The first meeting is Wednesday 29th January, in the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication. You can get details of all the workshops, here.

No great artistic skill is required. More, it is your ability to stand back from your work, and consider new perspectives, that will make the difference.

If you would like to know more, or wish to join, please email Dr Webster, director of The Good Science Project, directly (