Online Study on Experiences in Writing Narrative CVs

We are conducting a study aimed at understanding researchers’ experiences of writing Narrative CVs and analysing the language used in such CVs. We are interested in identifying challenges and ways to support researchers in writing Narrative CVs as part of grant applications. The study is part of a project titled ‘Breaking Barriers in Research Funding Applications: Evaluating Narrative CVs and Co-Designing Solutions for Application Processes’, led by Dr Fabio Fasoli (University of Surrey) and funded by the EDICa Flexible Fund.

What: The study involves completing a short online survey asking questions about yourself and the experience of writing a Narrative CV. You will be asked to attach a Narrative CV you have written. The CVs will be anonymised and analysed for language features and used for a second study assessing reviewers’ biases.

Who: We are looking for individuals who:

  1. a) are active researchers working in the UK,
  2. b) have applied and submitted a Narrative CV as part of their grant application.

We are aiming to obtain and analyse Narrative CVs of both successful and unsuccessful applications written by researchers belonging to represented and underrepresented groups (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, etc).

When and Where: To participate, please click on this link: Make sure to have your Narrative CV ready to upload.

Incentive: In exchange for your participation, you can enter your email address at the end of the study to receive a £10 Amazon voucher. Only participants who provide a valid Narrative CV and complete the survey will be compensated. The voucher will be sent to the participants at the end of the data collection (March 2025)

Additional information about the project can be found here. If you have any questions, you can email Dr Fasoli (

The study has been approved by received a favourable opinion from the University of Surrey Ethics Committee [REF 0064]