What are the leadership elections?
These are our main elections that we deliver at Imperial College Union to elect all of our senior student representatives. These include all of our paid full time officer trustee positions as well as other senior volunteer positions that students can do alongside their studies such as student trustees, Liberation & Community officers and Constituent Union positions.
What positions are available in the elections?
Full time officer trustee positions
- President (full time paid)
- Deputy President Education
- Deputy President Welfare
- Deputy President Clubs & Societies
- Deputy President Finance & Services
- ICSMSU President
Senior Volunteer Positions
- LCOs x 9 (working class officer, gender equality officer, international officer, mental health officer, disabilities officer, womens officer, black & minority ethnic officer, LGBTQ+ officer, ethics & environment officer, interfaith officer)
- CGCU President
- RCSU President
- RSMU President
- Constituent Union positions
- Student Chair (Chairs Union Council)
- Student Trustees x 2 (Union Trustee Board)
- Department Representatives
- PGR Representation Chair
- PGR Academic & Welfare Officers
Nominations are open from the 10th February – 28th February.
5th March – Candidate Briefing
6th March – Candidate Media Day
7th March – Candidate Roadshow
Campaigning begins on the 6th March – 13th March
Voting Opens 10th – 13th
Results – 14th March with Results being announced in Metric at 6pm.
If you have any questions, please contact charlotte.baker@imperial.ac.uk or elections@imperial.ac.uk
The Representation Team
Imperial College Union