Category: Funding, Studentships & Awards

Global Fellows Fund 2024 – 25 (deadline: 17 Feb 2025)

Applications are now open for the second and final round of the Global Fellows Fund 2024-25.

The Imperial Global Fellows Fund supports high impact international placements for PhD students in labs at Imperial’s strategic international partners.

Students, with support of their PhD supervisor and host supervisor, will have the opportunity to spend between 1 and 3 months at one of the following partners:

  • Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
  • Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India
  • Karolinska Institute, Sweden
  • French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France (NB approval is needed from both the CNRS host supervisor and her/his head of department or institute)
  • African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Rwanda, South Africa, Senegal, and Ghana
  • Cornell University, USA
  • University of Toronto, Canada
  • Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
  • National University of Singapore

The deadline for applications is Monday 17 February.

Financial support for this scheme is provided in part by the College’s 2024-25 Turing Scheme award.

For the 2024/25 academic year, the International Relations Office will provide top up funding equal to the cost-of-living grant provided by the Turing scheme grant to help cover more of the overall costs. Enhanced funding is also available for those who meet the necessary criteria.

For further details, including full guidance, eligibility criteria, information on the partners and a link to the application form, please visit the webpage.

Queries can be sent to

Postgraduate Climate Conscious Travel Fund

Introducing the Introducing the Postgraduate Climate Conscious Travel Fund 

We are excited to announce the launch of the Postgraduate Climate Conscious Travel Fund for this academic year, designed to help postgraduate students make more sustainable travel choices by supporting them with the costs associated with making greener travel choices.  

Did you know that 81% of Imperial’s carbon emissions come from external sources, otherwise known as Scope 3 emissions? Nearly half of these emissions stem from university-related travel. With the recent publication of Imperial’s Sustainable Travel Policy, we are committed to reducing our travel-related carbon footprint. However, we recognise that choosing greener travel options is not always the most affordable for postgraduate students. 

The Postgraduate Travel Fund has been created to help cover the extra costs of sustainable travel, ensuring that students aren’t left out of pocket. For instance, the fund would cover the price difference between travelling by train instead of flying, as illustrated in the table below. 

Route   Average Cost Return Economy   PG Travel Funding Provided  
   Flight   Rail     
London – Amsterdam   £130   £180   £50  
London – Frankfurt   £160   £220   £60  
London – Glasgow   £110   £140   £30  

If you’re interested in applying, please review the fund’s guidelines for details on what it will and won’t cover. Please note that funding is limited and will only be provided where no alternative funding sources are available. You can find the link to the application form here. 

Merck Research Grants

2021 Merck research grants – Merck Research Grants

This year we are offering research grants of 40k€ – 450k€ per year for up to 3 years in the areas of: drug discovery, real time testing and sensors, nanoparticles for nucleic acid delivery, digital innovation, bioelectronics, sustainability, media recycling for cultured meat, organoids

Find out more details and apply today at: (for world except U.S. and Canada) (for U.S. and Canada)



Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP)

We have recently established a new scholarship which can be used for PhD students and Post-Docs wanting to conduct research stays at RWTH Aachen University. The “Advanced Research Opportunities Program (AROP)” offers a travel grant of 1.000€ (lump sum) and a monthly stipend of 1.800€ for a period of up to 6 months.
The goal of the program is to strengthen and intensify bilateral relations between RWTH Aachen University and international universities and research institutions of strategic relevance. Among other purposes, the research stays may be used to prepare joint research projects and publications, initiate joint projects in the field of capacity building, develop teaching projects at the partner university, and organize future visits and student exchange programs.

More information on the program can be found here. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with Dr. Daniel Holder.