Tag: Advisory Group

Case study #11: The ALGeBRA Steering Group for breast cancer research

This entry is part [part not set] of 0 in the series Case studies

In conversation with: Camarie Welgemoed, Honorary Clinical Research Fellow and part-time PhD, currently working as Breast Specialist Superintendent in radiotherapy.

Working within: Radiotherapy at Charing Cross hospital, doing a PhD in the Department of Surgery and Cancer.

Case study #3: The Healthy Start, Happy Start Study

This entry is part [part not set] of 0 in the series Case studies

In conversation with: Rachael Ryan, Research Assistant Working within: Centre for Psychiatry, Department of Medicine


What did you do?

The Healthy Start, Happy Start (HSHS) study aims to help parents better understand their child’s communication and behaviour, and to learn different ways of reacting. We set up a Study Advisory Group (SAG) and asked them for ideas on participant recruitment and materials. The group has developed over time to also consider how to explain different parts of the research to participants and how to best keep participants engaged.