Help us to design a new event for undergraduate minority ethnic students, interested in postgraduate education at Imperial!

Help us to design a new event for undergraduate minority ethnic students, interested in postgraduate education at Imperial!

As part of Imperial’s Race Equality Charter (REC) Action Plan, the Graduate School has, for the last 3 years, delivered an event (online and in-person) for Minority Ethnic undergraduate students interested in postgraduate education at Imperial.   The event comprised short talks, delivered by a panel of students who talked about their lived experiences at Imperial, and staff who talked about the admissions process, applying to Imperial, top tips, and funding opportunities.

Despite concerted marketing efforts which resulted in a good number of registrations to attend the event (87, 63 and 156 respectively for the events delivered in 2021, 2022 and 2023), this has not translated into actual attendees (45, 25 and 15 respectively for the events delivered in 2021, 2022 and 2023).   To help us move forward and deliver an event which is meaningful and helpful to undergraduate students, we are looking for student shapers to lead the design and development of a fully costed revised event which will be delivered in autumn 2025.

The project will start in November 2024 and will complete in February 2025.  Student shapers will be expected to carry out the following tasks:

  1. A desk-based review of what other institutions provide in relation to supporting minority ethnic undergraduates thinking about postgraduate education
  2. A survey of individuals who registered to attend one of the previous iterations of the event but did not attend on the day. The purpose of this is to explore why they did not attend and to find out what would have made the event more attractive.
  3. Discuss good practice initiatives being carried out by the Faculties to support minority ethnic undergraduates thinking about postgraduate education.
  4. Host one focus group per Faculty with up to 6 students (Master’s and PhD) and one online alumni focus group. The purpose of the focus groups is to explore further what would be most helpful for students and to explore ideas which came through as a result of the discussions with the Faculty and the desk-based review.
  5. During mid-late January, begin the design work for the event, which will also include a method to assess its impact.
  6. By 14 February 2025, submit the costed proposal to the project team.

To find out more about the project, review the eligibility criteria and submit an expression of interest visit: Current projects | Imperial students | Imperial College London