Activate Mentoring Programme (deadline: 25 Oct 2024)

The Activate Mentoring Programme has been established to enhance the experience and provide an open space for minority ethnic and disabled PhD students.  It seeks to:

  • enhance your experience at Imperial – “I could share all my worries about my PhD life and I got a lot of advice for time management, communication with my supervisor and how to overcome frustration.”
  • support you to clarify your purpose and productivity – “The mentor has helped me achieve my goals that I set during my year at Imperial and also helped me to organise my outlook for the future.”
  • build your motivation and confidence – “I met people with similar shared experiences and background as me, allowing me to realise that the difficulties I am facing are not single to me, but reflective of a wider issue experienced by many others.”
  • develop a peer community for you to engage with – “I had regular meetings with my mentor during the programme. She is very nice and caring. Our regular meetings made me feel supported and valued at Imperial. I appreciate the opportunity Activate has offered to help students develop connections at Imperial and feel the support from community”
  • develop your focus and preparation for study and research and for your future career/academic aspirations – “My mentor encouraged me to apply explore career options and apply for internships to gain experience and confidence in the application processes, specifically interviews. It also helped me learn how to navigate my disabilities”
  • create a deeper sense of belonging – “Having a mentor from a minority group felt more relatable. He also was ideal for the advice I was seeking. The speakers at the events were also very good and some of their words have stuck with me. Also nice to meet other mentees and mentors, it was a comfortable space to talk and felt like a community”

Through Activate you will have the opportunity to be matched with a trained mentor who has insight and understanding of the educational experience of under-represented groups of students and the challenges faced within education and navigating Imperial life.​

We offer up to 50 places on the programme to support minority ethnic PhD students and up to 20 places on the programme to support disabled PhD students.

If you are selected to be mentored through Activate, you will be supported through dedicated training, cohort activities and an opportunity to attend the flagship Activate end of year celebration event.

Find out more about the Activate mentoring programme and how to apply here:  Activate Mentees | Imperial students | Imperial College London

Applications are now open and will close 5pm, 25 October 2024