Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice: Issue 4 launch event (15 Nov 2024)

Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Community is delighted to announce the forthcoming issue of the Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice: GTAs Re/De constructing the Learning and Teaching Space, Piece by Piece (Issue 4: 2024).

The JPPP was established in 2021 and is one of only two journals dedicated to the PGR teacher voice. Contributions in this issue come from both GTAs and Academic Developers working in this space.

To celebrate, we are hosting a hybrid launch event on Friday 15th November, 10am-2pm, with the opportunity to attend in-person (University of Warwick) or on MS Teams. Participants will be able to hear from the editorial team and current authors, as well as engage in dialogue with each other about the themes presented in this journal issue.

Registration for this event is free, with refreshments provided for those colleagues in-person. Please follow the link to register here (whatever your mode of attendance) and we’ll do the rest!