STRATiGRAD (Stratified Medicine Graduate Training Programme in Systems Medicine and Spectroscopic Profiling) is an innovative PhD program that addresses the need to produce a new generation of scientists to work at the interface of disciplines that collectively drive new discoveries at the systems level. The purpose of the program is to establish a collaborative network of research organisations with common interests in the areas of stratified medicine, clinical diagnostics, prognostics and theranostic biomarker discovery, novel therapeutic development, and organic disease mechanisms through a combined PhD training consortium in the fields of molecular phenotyping, systems modelling and stratified medicine. This program is to build on the massive training resources and computational/analytical infrastructure in systems biology already in place at Imperial College, and will harness the unique interactive environment bridging world-class departments in Analytical Science and Medicine.

Based in the Division of Computational and Systems Medicine (Department of Surgery and Cancer) at Imperial College London, students undertake research in the areas of stratified medicine, clinical diagnostics, prognostics and theranostics, biomarker discovery and disease mechanisms, building on contributions already made to the field by one of the world’s largest research teams in metabolic science. The Section is exceptionally well equipped with state of the art analytical instrumentation including 10 high field NMR spectrometers and 20 GC/CE/UPLC-mass spectrometric systems for metabolic analysis, providing a unique environment for the students to further discovery. Funding for these prestigious studentships have been achieved through partnership with industrial and charitable research organisations with common interests in these research areas.

The programme is headed by Professor Jeremy Nicholson (Head of the Department of Surgery and Cancer) and Professor Elaine Holmes (Head of the Section of Computational and Systems Medicine), and co-ordinated by Dr Anisha Wijeyesekera (Project Manager).


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