Month: September 2013

Student Representative!

We all can’t believe that it has been nearly a year since we started on the Stratigrad programme. Typically, time is going very quickly and it is already almost time to say hello to the next lot of students starting at Imperial College! This year, I have signed up to be the Postgraduate Student Representative for our section, Computational and Systems Medicine. This involves an induction for the new MRes students in our section, participating in post-graduate education committee (PGEC) meetings (which include free biscuits I’m told) and generally being available to listen to the students in our section.

The most important, however, is that I have the tough task of organising the section’s Christmas Party…Eek!

Open space

It is quite obvious from previous posts that our Early Stage Assessment (aka 9 month review) has been the center of our attention for the last couple of months.

My fellow STRATiGRADs summed it up well: writing the report made us look back at the rollercoaster of a year we all went through, from progresses, successes and more interestingly challenges we faced, and then we could more clearly plan the course of the next 2+ years. It was also helpful to get outside views on our projects and to have a good refresh on how to present our results.

Following my post on our hot beverage habits, I will digress this time about our work environment and another mandatory tricks we use to get on with our work…

We are all seated in the SAF building’s open area: 5 levels of metal, glass, wooden desks and labs.