Month: October 2013

Broadening Horizons.

A PhD in metabonomics would be a steep learning curve for anyone. So while plenty of time is spent attempting to get to grip with the fundamentals of this multi-discipline science – one must also try and find that all important balance. After all, and ever since I can remember, haven’t our seniors been banging on about communal engagement and extracurricular involvement… You know, becoming that rounded, exemplar individual – ultimately making the most of opportunities (how big or small these may be).

Imperial is initially quite good at this, for example, throughout the first year, we’ve had to attend numerous personal development workshops.

The Stratigrad Tradition!!!

I guess it’s my turn again. :). The last few weeks have been packed with a lot of exciting moments. First of all, I passed my ESA which means I am officially in year two. I would like to use this opportunity to thank anyone who had a part to play in this, Dr. Hector Keun, Prof. Bob Brown, Dr. Anisha Wijeyesekera and of course all the other stratigrads who had to listen to me talk about Otto Warburg like a million times 😉 . Thanks!!!

I also joined Prof. Brown’s group to go on a lab retreat to Cornwall over a weekend.