Surviving Imperial one Espresso at a time

Easter break is normally one of the best holiday for me. After horrible winter weather and what feels like the longest term ever, I look forward to Easter. Not this time, and not at Imperial.

Easter break means its getting much closer to exam. You heard it right, exam. And that might or might not be stress you sense. Being a first year, people kept telling me that what I do as a first year won’t matter. That I can do whatever I want, get drunk, skip lectures. But what I do matters, I realise it now as it is nearly the execution time.

I know, what am I saying, why am I the sad part of being at Imperial. But the truth is we make our own choices. We decide whether to drink tea or to drink coffee. We decide to take the bus or to walk. We decide whether we get drunk or stay overnight in the library. Is being at Imperial worth all the work, is it worth the midnight revision. I honestly don’t know. I also don’t know whether I’ll be a billionaire one day, but it didn’t stop me from trying.