Dr Tiago Cunha Luis, Sir Henry Dale Fellow, recently joined I&I from Imperial’s Department of Life Sciences. Here, he tells us more about his research background and interests.
Rest in Peace (R.I.P.): that is what I feel will happen in a few weeks. I will be able to rest…and not feel guilty for it!
I am about to retire, at the end of February 2022, exactly 40 years since I started working at what was then known as the Royal Postgraduate Medical School and Medical Research Council Leukaemia Unit. This was where, totally out of the blue, I landed on 9 June 1982.
I arrived from Italy to attend the worldwide renowned ‘Advances in Haematology’ course after a preliminary contact with the head of the Unit, Prof Lucio Luzzatto, and my consultant, Prof Corrocher. What only my mother knew was that I had bought a one-way ticket on a plane from Milan Airport. Verona, where I was born, didn’t even have an airport from where one could fly to London. (more…)
In the latest edition of our Staff Profile series, we spoke to Section Manager Debbie Oram about her new role as Faculty Data Advisor, tips for working remotely and what motivates her to champion equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI). (more…)
In the latest edition of our Immunology & Inflammation Staff Profile series, we spoke to Dr Kerry Rostron, one of I&I’s newest members, about her role and first impressions of the Department.
In the first edition of our Immunology & Inflammation Staff Profile series, we spoke to Cathy Tupman about stepping into her new role as Department Manager.