International Women in Engineering Day 2021: Alicia Blatiak

Wednesday 23rd June 2021 is the 8th global annual celebration of International Women in Engineering Day, an international campaign of visibility on social media, that aims to shine a light on our diverse engineering role models, and encourage more people to consider engineering as a profession for all.

This year, women students and staff from EEE have been sharing their journey into engineering and their proudest achievements, along with some words of advice to girls and young women who are thinking about a career in STEM.

Alicia Blatiak is a PhD student with a background in renewable energy consultancy for solar and offshore wind. Alicia’s research focuses on Electric Vehicles and how to use their energy to support the electricity grid. As one of our PhD student representatives, Alicia has been active in bringing together staff and students during the lockdown, helping organise a series of virtual chats with our academic staff to share their research and get to know what inspires them.

AliciaHow did you become an Electrical / Electronics Engineer?

“Having worked in renewable energy for a few years I was keen to do research in energy systems – I wanted to find ways to tackle climate change.”

What’s your proudest achievement as an engineer?

“Presenting my work to Innovate UK as part of a Vehicle-to-Grid / Electric Vehicle Demonstration Project (and seeing them taking notes!) was a great feeling.”

What’s your proudest personal achievement?

“Getting to the semi-final of WE Innovate, a start-up competition for women founders run by the Imperial College Enterprise Lab.”

What piece of advice would you give to a girl who is thinking about studying EEE?

“Tell yourself that if others can do it, so can you. The chances are, the only obstacles standing in your way are your own thoughts!”

What activities do you take part in outside of engineering – at Imperial and beyond?

“Being Postgraduate Representative for the Department means I try to liaise between staff and students, which I really enjoy. I also play tennis in my spare time and do laps of Richmond Park on my road bike.”