Author: Laurence Woollard, Health Policy MSc student

Health Policy MSc Q&A

The Health Policy MSc at Imperial College London is led by the Institute of Global Health Innovation. Laurence Woollard, a Health Policy Master’s student 2022-2024, shares his experience of the programme.

What’s your background? What did you study for your undergraduate degree?

Laurence Woollard (LW): In what now feels like another universe, I was originally pursuing a career in the music industry. I had studied Professional Musicianship at undergraduate level, finishing circa 2010. I then undertook a series of internships before landing a job offer at a music publisher in London. I reflect fondly on these times; the on-stage performance element as a gigging musician was a particularly important grounding in how to captivate and engage an audience’s attention, skills for which I have taken forward into my professional role and presentation delivery today.