Author: kd2213

Quite the jetsetters!

Anyone reading these blog posts must think all us StratiGrads do is travel, which obviously isn’t true. It’s been a whole month since I got back from my 5 weeks in China. Friends said to me that doing a PhD might provide opportunities to travel for conferences etc. but I didn’t quite expect this!

I applied to the Imperial International Summer School in Beijing having received an email from the Graduate School ( Places are highly competitive and open to students in the first two years of their PhD. I fitted the criteria and have a burning desire to travel and experience new places that I couldn’t help but apply – fully expecting not to hear back.

Oh procrastination…my old friend…

Hello! I’m Kayleigh, one of the new StratiGrad PhD students at Imperial and this is my first post… You’ll have to bear with me as I don’t blog, barely tweet and have only just set up a LinkedIn account. But that’s ok because ‘I wanted a challenge’…she said! I have ventured back into the world of academia after spending three amazing years training to be a Clinical Biochemist at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital.

I’ve signed up for a three year PhD on the StratiGrad programme trying to identify novel biomarkers of ovarian cancer! That’s the broad title anyway, and I will split my time between a group at the IRDB, that’s Institute of Reproductive Biology at Hammersmith Hospital and here in the CSM – Section of Computational and Systems Medicine at South Kensington.