Author: ma2412

A Typical (not so typical) Week of a PhD Student.

Alright.. It is my turn to write my first blog ever! I don’t really know what should I write about so I decided to bore you with a week of my life as a STRATiGRAD student.. First of all, my name is Munirah, proud Saudi citizen.. I’ve been part of Imperial since Sep 2012 where I did my MRs degree, then I got this amazing opportunity to join the STRATiGRADs starting from Nov 2013..

Let’s get started:

1.    Clinical Trial, Friday 14th Feb.

I needed to recruit healthy volunteers as control group for my study (liver cancer biomarkers). We started preparing for it more than a month in advance, we needed 3 people to prepare all the logistics, forms, recruit and contact participants, etc.