About the Imperial Natural Sciences blog

The Imperial Natural Sciences Blog provides researchers, students and staff from the Faculty a platform from which to share ideas and insights into their work, and perspectives and stories about their experiences at Imperial College London.

The posts on this blog are, in every case, the opinions of the author(s), written in the authors’ own words and from their perspective. These posts do not necessarily present the position of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, or that of Imperial College London.

Got an idea for a post?

If you’re a member of staff, researcher or student in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and would like to write for the blog, get in touch with us via email.

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Unless otherwise stated, the text of our posts is available to republish under a CC BY-ND 4.0 licence – just be sure to credit us and link back to this blog. Please seek permission before using images as most will be under copyright.

We’d love to know if you reuse our content, so do comment or tag us on Twitter.


All comments are moderated and will be approved as long as they are not deemed to be:

  • Unrelated to the topic of the blog post in question
  • Incomprehensible
  • Offensive
  • Personal attacks
  • Adverts

Find out more

Visit the Faculty of Natural Sciences website to find out more about who we are and what we do, including links to our departments, centres and networks.