President’s Awards for Excellence in Culture and Community

The President’s Awards for Excellence are annual awards to recognise staff members who have made outstanding contributions in Culture and Community, Education, Research, Societal Engagement or Sustainability.

The President’s Awards for Excellence in Culture and Community recognise staff who have made outstanding contributions over the last year in Leadership: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Collaboration: and Sustainability.

President’s Medal for Excellence in Culture and Community

For individuals or teams who have made exceptional contributions to Culture and Community across the university.

Medal winner: Culture and Engagement Committee, Department of Surgery and Cancer

  • Gina Brown
  • Elsa Paul
  • Christopher Peters
  • Karen Pontifex

President’s Award for Excellence in Leadership

For staff who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and management at all levels within the university.

Winner: Julie King, Centre for Academic English

President’s Award for Excellence in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

For an individual or team who have delivered a specific project, initiative or demonstrated inclusive participation in their everyday behaviour that significantly contributes to the enhancement of equality, diversity and inclusion at the university.

Individual winner: Helen Johnson, National Heart and Lung Institute

Team winner: Imperial as One Media Academy

  • Hayley Dunning, Communications Division
  • Sarah Essilife-Quaye, National Heart and Lung Institute
  • Al McCartney, Faculty of Medicine Centre
  • Wayne Mitchell, Department of Immunology & Inflammation
  • Ellie Cawthera, Communications Division
  • Maxine Myers, Communications Division

President’s Award for Excellence in Collaboration

For an individual colleague or team who embodies our spirit of the Imperial community.

Individual winner: Toby Emmerson, Business School

Team winner: Producing Rational Evidence for Parasiticide Pollution (PREPP) Team

  • Leon Barron, School of Public Health
  • Tilly Collins, Centre for Environmental Policy
  • Neil Jennings, Grantham Institute
  • Andrew Prentis, Grantham Institute
  • Guy Woodward, Department of Life Sciences

President’s Award for Excellence in Sustainability

For an individual or team who have delivered a specific project or initiative or embedded everyday good practice that significantly contributes to the enhancement of sustainability at the university.

Individual winner: Sharron Stubbs, Faculty of Medicine Centre

Team winner: CID Green Team, Centre of Inflammatory Disease

  • Lyndon Costa
  • Alice Denton
  • Neil Galloway-Phillips
  • Christina Malaktou
  • Stacey McIntyre
  • Kerry Rostron-Barrett
  • Kassandra Vezyrgianni

You can read more about the awards in our news story.