Author: nz1413

Ohayo Japan! おはよう日本!

As a first year PhDs, and following the recommendation of our elders we decided to go to a summer school (ss). The deadline for other summer schools in the Europe was already passed and the first one was the machine learning summer school (MLSS) in Japan. We were lucky enough to get accepted for poster presentation and we were granted a part of our travel expenses by the MLSS. The speakers were very well known in the field of statistical pattern recognition and machine learning and they delivered well. There were about 400 attendants from all over the world e.g. Argentina, Peru, US, Brazil, Belgium, Iran, Igor from Russia and our neighbour universities such as UCL, university of Cambridge. 


Last time that I was reading this blog was before going to the interview for STRATiGRAD PhD. At that time, it gave me a good feeling about how 2012 cohort was doing. It was a wish to be a part of this amazing postgraduate training programme which came true for me otherwise I had no chance writing here. It is a fantastic programme since doing a PhD in many cases said to be an individual journey but here there is 9 of us; catching same deadlines and doing similar staffs. Another cool fact is despite all my other grades which I was in minority (few girls) here we are 7 (cool, brilliant) girls and 2 boys.