We asked our Director, Professor the Lord Ara Darzi, to explain the importance of patient data sharing, a topic we’ll be discussing during our annual Sowerby eHealth Symposium taking place 14th September at the Royal College of Physicians.
Confirmed topics and speakers include:
Pushing the boundaries of sharing patient data in the real world
- Mustafa Suleyman, Co-founder, Google DeepMind
How to make data sharing policy work
- Katie Farrington, Director of Digital and Data, Department of Health
- Dr. Brian Fisher, Director of PAERs Ltd
- Sharmila Nebhrajani, Director of External Affairs at MRC Human Tissue Authority
- Fran Husson, Patient Representative
Developing a citizen science platform for data sharing: Understanding ‘real life’ patient benefits in Dementia
- Hilary Doxford, Vice-Chair of the European Working Group of People with Dementia, Dementia Research Champion
Predictive modelling, Artificial Intelligence, Population Health, Genomics and Wearables: Applications of data sharing
- Chris Laing, Consultant Nephrologist at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
- Paul Elliot, Chair in Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine Imperial College London
- Irina Bolychevsky, Open data consultant and Director of Shevski Ltd
- Jen Hyatt, Founder, Big White Wall
Registration begins at 8:30AM, with talks from 9AM-1PM.
Read Ara Darzi on the importance of patient data sharing in full