Tag: Online involvement

HOPE for Hand Osteoarthritis

In conversation with Lidia Nigrelli, Research Assistant, Osteoarthritis Research Group working within the Centre for Inflammatory Disease

Lidia Nigrelli

What is your research project about and what stage are you at?

Hand osteoarthritis is a condition which can cause painful, swollen and stiff joints in the hands, it can affect the finger joints and thumb joints. Having hand osteoarthritis can make it harder for individuals to carry out everyday tasks. Hand osteoarthritis affects around 2 million people in the UK but there are currently no drugs that slow the progression of the disease or that target pain. Women are at a higher risk for developing hand osteoarthritis than men, and previous work has shown that factors like the menopause may play a role in how hand osteoarthritis develops in women.

Involving women to help shape a project exploring pregnancy care following weight-loss surgery

This entry is part [part not set] of 0 in the series Case studies

In conversation with: Dr Saleem Ansari, Registrar in Metabolic Medicine and Chemical Pathology, working within the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, imperial College London

What is your research project about and what stage are you at?

My research aims to answer the question ‘What is the preferred weight-loss operation for women with obesity who are of child-bearing age.’

There are two main weight loss-operations, the ‘gastric bypass ‘and sleeve gastrectomy’. The gastric bypass operation is associated with complications during pregnancy such as early delivery and small babies, but whether these complications occur after sleeve gastrectomy is currently unknown.

Involving women to design and develop research into early-onset pre-eclampsia

This entry is part [part not set] of 0 in the series Case studies

In conversation with Olive Adams, Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Midwife working with Professor Christoph Lees and the research team based at the Centre for fetal care at Imperial Healthcare Trust and Women’s Health Research Centre at Imperial College London.

How would you describe your role as a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Midwife? 

My role as PPI midwife was specifically developed to ensure high quality public involvement activity was undertaken across all of Professor Lees upcoming projects within the Women’s Health Research Centre, including enabling involvement at the very  earliest stage of each study.