Consuls and Proconsuls

Professor Ann Muggeridge has been elected as Proconsul, for a term of three years, starting from 1 September 2024.  This follows the completion of her term as Consul for the Faculty of Engineering and the Business School at the end of August 2024. 

The full list of Consuls and Proconsuls for 2024-2025 is set out below.   


Professor Jonathan Mestel – Senior Consul 

Professor Renata Kosova – Faculty of Engineering and Business School 

Professor Alessandro Astolfi – Faculty of Engineering and Business School 

Professor Miriam Moffatt – Faculty of Medicine 

Professor Wisia Wedzicha – Faculty of Medicine (Clinical) 

Professor Stephen Curry – Natural Sciences and cross College organisations 

Professor David Evans – Natural Sciences and cross College organisations   


Professor Dorian Haskard 

Professor Richard Jardine 

Professor Liz Lightstone 

Professor Martin McCall 

Professor Ann Muggeridge 

Professor Peter Openshaw