Author: rb2811

The Stratigrad Tradition!!!

I guess it’s my turn again. :). The last few weeks have been packed with a lot of exciting moments. First of all, I passed my ESA which means I am officially in year two. I would like to use this opportunity to thank anyone who had a part to play in this, Dr. Hector Keun, Prof. Bob Brown, Dr. Anisha Wijeyesekera and of course all the other stratigrads who had to listen to me talk about Otto Warburg like a million times 😉 . Thanks!!!

I also joined Prof. Brown’s group to go on a lab retreat to Cornwall over a weekend.

The Three Mantras

Well, I guess its my turn again 🙂 . In the past few weeks we have been preparing for our early stage review. Initially it felt it was just one of those milestones one has to jump through but how wrong I was. It has allowed me to rethink the aims of my project and to think about the best means of executing them.

I have also been thinking about what makes a great scientist over the past few weeks and it has become evident to me that everyone has their own way of getting there. However, there are three things that no professional scientist can ever avoid.


Hi everyone, this is my first blog which means I am very excited. I will like to use this wonderful opportunity to wish a happy mother’s day to all the mothers .

This week was a very interesting week as some of us had the opportunity to go to the Precision Medicine Symposium, 2013. This year’s focus was on Breast cancer; some of the brightest minds in the field had the opportunity to present some insightful and seminal work. Again, I obviously loved being there.

This is one of the perks of being a PhD student at Imperial College London (ICL).