Category: IGHI people

What’s it like to…work in mental health research?

By Dr Lindsay Dewa, Advanced Research Fellow, NIHR Imperial Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, IGHI

I have been aware of mental health from an early age. I just didn’t know it was called that at the time! I remember feeling deeply about things and wanting to make sure everyone was okay if they looked sad or down. It was then only natural that I leaned towards getting a degree in psychology – the science of the mind and behaviour. I then completed my MSc in research methods and forensic psychology. This naturally led me to embarking on a PhD studying sleep and mental health in prison populations.

One year on – how our researchers have responded to the pandemic

“We’re in this together.” One year ago, on 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

Back then, little over 100,000 cases had been reported globally. Today that number is 1,000 times greater and growing ceaselessly.

With a barely known virus rippling across the world, so too did fear and uncertainty spread as the WHO Director-General addressed all people and nations to make the declaration. Shifting the focus from COVID-19 to people and unity, Dr Tedros also sparked glimmers of optimism by emphasising that innovation and learning would be integral to saving lives and minimising the impact of the pandemic.

What’s it like to…work in health economics?

By Dr Alberto Nunez Elvira, Research Associate, Centre for Health Policy, IGHI

Having a background in economics, I have always cared about improving resource allocation, accountability and making a positive impact in policymaking. Working in health economics helps me to fulfil these goals and improve decision-making in health policy from different standpoints.

IGHI people: Meet Owen Bray, Patient Safety Project Manager, NIHR Imperial Patient Safety Translational Research Centre

IGHI is home to a team of staff who are skilled and passionate about their roles. Our talented people are the reason we’re able to tackle some of the most pressing global health challenges through cutting-edge innovation.