Three reasons why I enjoy studying Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial

Name: Kevin Chen

Position: Second-year Undergraduate Student, MEng Materials Science and Engineering in the Department of Materials. 

In this blog post, Kevin explains the three reasons why he enjoys studying Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial. 

1: Combination of coursework and exams

One of the top reasons I enjoy studying Material Science and Engineering at Imperial is the mix of coursework and exams within the degree program. I’m currently going strong in my second year (I hope!) and I have already completed over ten labs, where I’ve conducted interesting experiments like polymer synthesis and cooling curve measurement.

I’ve also worked in groups to undertake computing and design challenges, some of which lasted up to half a year and included working groups of more than ten people! These labs and projects not only helped consolidate the knowledge from lectures and develop collaboration skills, but they have also helped me get to know many people from the cohort, some of whom are now my closest friends. 

2: Skills I can apply in the real world

It is always exciting when what you learn connects with the real world. During my summer internship at SKF Sweden, I saw and applied many skills from my first year. The sample preparation skills I learned came in handy when I cut, ground, and polished various bearing samples. My understanding of steel phase diagrams also allowed me to hold insightful conversations with the company’s heat treatment expert. Now in my second year, many things that I didn’t understand before are becoming clearer and clearer. 

3: Positive community 

In my opinion, the Department of Materials is a very positive and close-knit community. We are encouraged to learn together and help each other, and the department listens to student feedback and tries to support the students better every year. One of my favourite things is definitely the “pet-a-dog” sessions during exam season, where students are invited to sign up for a session to be blessed by a living fluff. My only complaint was how fast my allocated time seemed to finish!  

As a competitive swimmer, I train and race with the Imperial Swimming Club, where I meet students who, while challenged by their degrees, still find time to have fun and enjoy life. Being surrounded by such people is a privilege.