Blog posts

How studying materials science will shape my future

In this blog post, our third year undergraduate student Hiran shares his experience of studying Materials Science and Engineering in the Department of Materials, Imperial College London.

Nearly three years of studying Materials Science at Imperial have truly flown by. I’ve made lifelong friends and experienced many memorable moments. Perhaps most intriguingly, my course has fabricated a new lens for my stainless steel framed glasses that has transformed how I see the world around me. Things that I would see in my everyday life around London and disregard are now fascinating and I can’t help but point out to whoever is with me! Be it the jaded green rooftops that were once reddish copper, the carbon fiber frames of a fancy cyclists bike, or the incredibly pristine glass on the Shard covered by a film of Titanium oxide that makes it self-cleaning.

Thankfully, I’ve not only accumulated small nuggets of interesting information during my degree, but I have come to further appreciate Materials Science’s significance for our planet’s future. The synergy between materials science and semiconductor technology, exemplified by Nvidia’s cycle of groundbreaking chip innovations, is fueling the exponential growth of AI and machine learning which shapes our future day by day. Exploration in bioplastics derived from plants and microorganisms with the goal of allowing them to break down naturally could eradicate the ever-pressing issue of plastic pollution, potentially saving the future of many ecosystems. Research surrounding CO2 capture and conversion into fuels is a topic I’ve been reading for my Literature Review. Fine-tuning the microstructure of electrocatalysts in CO2 reduction is a challenge I have no doubt that Materials Scientists will one day solve, saving our future from the global warming crisis. The future of sports is also heavily dictated by material developments. Almost everyone I know at Imperial has caught the F1 craze and with our materials background, the technology on display is even more appreciable. Materials Scientist’s constant improvements in biocompatible implants that integrate seamlessly with tissue will help athletes and patients return from injuries quicker and with ease. I’m known for my notoriously fragile knees so it’s looking likely that materials science will be shaping the future of my patellas too.

Studying Materials Science at Imperial has helped me build technical and teamwork skills that will influence how I approach my future work life. I’ve enjoyed group projects where I’ve had to 3D print, design household appliances, and even create porcelain from raw materials. I also never thought the countless Gantt Charts and Interim reports would turn out to be a transferable skill. Although I remain undecided on a career, I’m looking forward to seeing how the Materials Science community is developing and new technologies on the near horizon. Many of my peers at Imperial stun me everyday with their remarkable aptitude and curiosity, and some will certainly go on to shape our collective futures.

Like I said, studying Materials Science has given me a new lens on the world, but that’s not just from a scientific point of view. I’ve found that every lecturer has echoed what makes us special as Materials Scientists is our ability to understand matter on a microscopic scale. Whilst it is indeed a skill to pride ourselves on, I’ve also come to appreciate it as a broader ability to appreciate the little things. In the overwhelming periods of studying at Imperial and living in this chaotic city, appreciating the microscopic details that we take for granted has helped me navigate the stressful times and enjoy life just that little bit more.

Fellow Spotlight: Dr Sonia Gera on developing materials to heal and fix bones

Dr Sonia Gera is a UKRI Research Fellow in the Department of Materials. Her research investigates materials that can fix broken bone and help them heal while preventing infections at the same time. These materials are nature inspired, are made of  safe and biocompatible ingredients. In this blog post, she shares more about her research, what she enjoys about her work and what she likes to do outside of research. 

What inspired you to become a Materials Scientist?

During my studies in Pharmaceutical Science, I witnessed the crucial role of materials in the delivery of medicines to address real world health challenges. I have always been passionate about understanding the bone healing process and exploring how materials can play a transformative role in it. My dream is to one day invent a novel material that not only repairs bone fractures and defects but also accelerates healing while providing long-term relief. The idea of developing materials which can mimic the tissue and their ability to interact with biological surface has truly inspired me to work in material science. This multidisciplinary field has allowed me to build on my previous knowledge and skills to bring innovative solutions to critical conditions such as bone repair. The potential of materials to bring meaningful changes in society makes it a perfect path for me.

How would you explain your research to someone outside the field?

Imagine if surgeon could use a biodegradable glue instead of metal screws and plates in fixing bone and bone implants in case of broken bones. This glue will not only hold it under wet conditions, but also supports the body’s healing process by encouraging the new bone growth and stopping all the harmful bacteria to prevent infections-all without the need of antibiotics. I am working on developing such glue like materials that can fix the broken bone and help them heal while preventing infections at the same time. These materials are nature inspired, and are made of safe and biocompatible ingredients.

Why did you study this area and why is it important?

Bone repair and infection prevention is an important research area demanding novel solutions because millions of people get bone injuries every year globally from trauma, osteoporosis and bone diseases. The traditional methods suffers from challenges of slower healing, infections and  additional surgeries. By developing bioinspired materials we are improving patient outcomes, reducing recovery time and addressing global challenges in sustainable way.

How could this research make an impact?

Adhesive material which can replace metal screws and plates in clinics and supports bone healing, controls infections without antibiotics has the potential that can go beyond lab and transform the how bone injuries and infections are currently treated. This will reduce the treatment cost, improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

Who do you collaborate with at Imperial and beyond?

My research thrives on collaborations as it involve multidisciplinary approach. I work close with experts and colleagues working in area of material science, polymer chemistry, bioengineering and microbiology. This includes researchers and team from Department of Materials, Department of Bioengineering and Faculty of Medicine. Beyond imperial, I collaborate with clinicians and their feedback ensures that my research aligns with the real-world applications. I also connect with industrial partners and innovation hubs which can help me translate my research into prototypes for preclinical testing. I’m always excited to connect with others working in similar areas. If you’re interested or involved in related research, let’s get in touch and collaborate!

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

What I enjoy most about my research and work is the opportunity to create solutions that can impact patient’s lives. I also like creative aspect of my work, experimenting with the different materials,  their testing, and discovering new ways to make them work better for application. It is like solving a complex puzzle with number of elements, each one of which can have real time impact. The best part is working with brilliant minds in the team is something I cherish each day being at Imperial.

What do you enjoy outside of research?

Outside research I love doing things that help me get relaxed and recharged. I like being in nature activities like long walks, hiking, visiting scenic spots that can help me clearing my mind. I also like travelling and exploring new places in London. I do enjoy watching movies, listening to music and reading  books on personal growth.

What’s something your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you?

My colleagues will be surprised to learn that I  am a big foodie! My curiosity sometimes spills in my kitchen as I love to experiment with food and recipes. I am always ready to try all the unique vegetarian dishes whenever I travel.

Five skills I’ve developed since joining Imperial

In this blog post, our second year undergraduate student Fahmin shares five skills she has developed since joining the Department of Materials, Imperial College London. 

For me, Materials Science is an exciting field that combines discovery, creativity and innovation. Since joining Imperial, I’ve come to appreciate just how impactful materials science can be. It’s more than just understanding how things work it’s about exploring why materials behave the way they do and how they can be enhanced to solve real-world problems. Whether it’s improving materials for electric vehicles or developing sustainable solutions, materials science plays a key role in shaping the future.  

I’m currently in my second year studying Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial College London and I feel I’ve gained key skills to push boundaries and think about science for the future. Here are five key skills I’ve gained:

Solving problems like a pro 

Materials science often feels like solving intricate puzzles. So far, I’ve learned how to break down complex challenges, analyse them, and find innovative solutions  For example, in the materials selection module, I’ve learnt how to evaluate different properties to identify the most suitable material for a given application. This process has taught me to think critically and creatively, giving me confidence in tackling challenges across both my academic and personal life.  

Hands-on experience in labs 

One of the highlights of studying materials science at Imperial is the practical, hands-on experience. Through labs, I’ve worked with advanced tools such as tensile testing and have performed mechanical tests such as four-point bending to explore the strength of materials under stress. These experiments bridge the gap between theory and practice, showing us how materials behave under real-world conditions.

Mastering data and visualisation  

Data plays a critical role in materials science, and the undergraduate course has helped me develop strong analytical skills. I have used Excel to interpret results from techniques like XRD, EDX, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Visualising and analysing data has helped me understand materials’ structure, composition, and surface chemistry. Turning raw data into meaningful insights has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my studies.

Communicating with confidence

Understanding complex material is one thing but explaining it to others is equally important. We’ve worked on interdisciplinary projects, such as our end-of-year design study project at the end of the first year, where I worked with a team of 12 students to design a machine that compresses powders and measures hardness values.

This project combined CAD software, coding and Arduino programming to bring the design to life, which encouraged us to have an effective line of communication in the team. This helped us to ensure we were working efficiently, and that any issues could be addressed quickly and with confidence.

Becoming resilient 

Our projects don’t always work on the first try! While working on our end-of-year design study project, we experimented with multiple approaches and tackled various challenges before arriving at our final design.

At the end of the project, we had to present our final work to two CEOs, our teaching faculty, and the entire cohort. Although this initially felt daunting, the communication and resilience skills that I developed throughout the year-long project gave me the confidence to share our ideas and my contributions to the team.

Overall I’ve found that studying Materials Science at Imperial is not just about understanding metals or ceramics; it’s about developing skills that prepare you to tackle challenges, communicate effectively, and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Laidlaw Scholars Spotlight: Anica shares more about her project and experience

Anica Tahsin is a second-year undergraduate student in the Department of Materials. In her first year, Anica applied to The Laidlaw Scholars Leadership and Research Programme, which aims to enhance sustainable leadership and stimulate sustainable innovation among a new generation of leaders. The programme uniquely funds up to 25 places annually to undergraduate students in Imperial College London each year, supporting a research project and a Leadership in Action experience, with a unique focus on tackling the 17 UN SDGs.

Anica was accepted and completed a six-week paid research project and a fully-funded leadership project abroad. In this blog post, she shares her experiences and offers advice for students interested in applying for the next cohort.

Why did you apply to the Laidlaw Scholars Programme? 

The Laidlaw Scholars Programme sounded almost too good to be true—a six-week, paid research project on any topic that interests me and a fully-funded leadership project abroad? After completing my first year with Laidlaw, I can confidently say it’s exactly that.

I saw this as an opportunity to meet new people, develop my leadership skills, and learn what it means to be an ethical leader. That’s precisely what the Laidlaw Foundation is all about.

What did your project involve? 

I completed a self-proposed project focused on reevaluating flood assessment in vulnerable communities in Bangladesh. While it wasn’t directly related to my degree in Materials Science, it was a topic I was passionate about and knew I wanted to explore further. Many others pursued projects outside their degree fields, so if that’s what’s holding you back from getting involved, there’s no need to worry!

What did you learn?

At the annual Laidlaw Scholars conference, held at Leeds University this year, I challenged myself to present my research. Even though I’m pretty sure my voice was shaking, it was incredibly rewarding when someone came up to me and shared my passion.

While I initially approached this programme wanting to make as many connections as possible. It was those smaller interactions—finding people with the same drive for change—that truly connected me with others who care about the things I do.

My biggest lesson was that no matter how overwhelming or unfamiliar an environment may feel, there will always be people around who want change. Realising that there are others to support you lightens the fear and burden of taking the first step.

How will this help you in future? 

I chose Materials Science because I believe it’s where I can make the most impact. Whether it’s in climate, sustainability, or everyday life, materials play such an essential role that by working in this field, I feel I can help improve lives, even in small, indirect ways.

It’s a huge plus that my department is so supportive of students stepping out and exploring new possibilities. Next year, I hope to establish a small organisation in my local community in Bangladesh to support women who don’t have access to these same opportunities. I’m currently interviewing young women and girls in schools to understand the obstacles they face and explore ways I might help. It won’t be easy, but I’ll have support when I need it.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of applying to the Laidlaw Scholars Programme?

I would, without a doubt—one million percent—recommend applying. If you’re driven to make a change, this is the perfect opportunity to do. Even if you’re unsure what you want to research or how you can make an impact, just pick something that interests you and run with it. The Laidlaw coordinators are incredibly flexible, so you can always adjust your topic along the way.

If you’re worried about someone constantly looming over your shoulder, pushing you to work, don’t be. This project is highly independent—you set your own hours and manage your own pace.

Applications for the next cohort of LaidLaw scholars opens on Monday 25 November 2024. Find out more about The Laidlaw Scholars Leadership and Research Programme.

Fellow Spotlight: Dr Siyang Wang on improving energy materials for a net zero future

Dr Siyang Wang is an Imperial College Research Fellow in the Department of Materials. His research investigates how and why materials used in energy applications fall apart. This research includes materials used in nuclear power and batteries and could help avoid catastrophic accidents, like those at Chornobyl and Fukushima, and extend the life of everyday items, such as lithium-ion batteries. In this new blog post, he shares more about his research, why it’s important and how this research could make an impact.

What inspired you to become a Materials Scientist?

I enjoyed Physics at school, so when it came to choosing a university course, I wondered how I could continue studying what I was interested in, while also having the opportunity to work on something directly useful in daily life. Materials science became the answer.

How would you explain your research to someone outside the field?

I mainly work to understand why and how materials used in energy applications (such as nuclear power and batteries) fall apart, so we can prevent them from failing. This research could help avoid catastrophic accidents, like those at Chornobyl and Fukushima, and extend the life of everyday items, such as lithium-ion batteries.

Why did you study this area and why is it important?

Preventing materials from failing is crucial for safety and cost savings. My undergraduate university, Xi’an Jiaotong University, has a strong tradition in materials mechanics research in China. This influenced my decision to specialise in this field. Imperial also has strong expertise in this area, so I continued to work in this area in the Department of Materials.

How could this research make an impact?

My current research aims to contribute to achieving net zero emissions. By proving that the materials used in nuclear power plants are durable and safe, we can promote the development of nuclear energy and reduce CO2 emissions from electricity generation. Similarly, if batteries last longer by reducing internal mechanical degradation, it would lower living costs and enhance their effectiveness for renewable energy storage and grid stabilisation.

Who do you collaborate with at Imperial and beyond?

I work mainly on the micrometre scale (1/1,000 of a millimetre), which is useful but sometimes not detailed enough. Therefore, I collaborate with experts who can examine individual atoms, such as Dr. Catriona McGilvery, Research Facility Manager and Di Wang, Research Postgraduate and soon to be Dr!

Beyond Imperial, I have worked with collaborators in the UK (Oxford and KCL), Germany (Max Planck Institute for Iron Research), Sweden (Linköping University), and Switzerland (Empa). You can read our collaborative work with Dr Aaron Leblanc from King’s College London on the fine-scale structure and chemistry of Komodo dragon teeth in Nature Ecology and Evolution.

If you are dealing with a mechanical degradation issue in materials and want to understand and resolve it, why not get in touch?

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

As an experimentalist, I enjoy the mix of daily lab work, which involves a lot of technological considerations to ensure scientific rigor, and data analysis which tests your ability to apply and expand existing knowledge. I also enjoy learning new techniques, training students, and writing and reviewing papers. These varied activities make it hard to get bored.

What do you enjoy outside of research?

I travel a fair bit (when I’m allowed to). I went to Qatar and the UAE earlier this year, and it was interesting to find out the similarities in local food, markets and lifestyle to Xi’an, the place I grew up in China. Discovering these connections, likely due to historical links via the Silk Road, was fascinating.

What’s something your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you?

I’m actually allergic to chicken and eggs!

Five things I’ve learned navigating my MEng Thesis

Anne-Sophie Korotov recently completed her MEng Materials Science and Engineering degree in June 2024. MEng Materials Science and Engineering is a four-year degree in the Department of Materials at Imperial College London, which involves a thesis project in the final year.

In this blog post, she shares her insights and offers advice for future students. Anne-Sophie is now completing a PhD at the University of Oxford.

My Master’s project was one of my first long-term scientific projects during this degree, which I had to navigate by myself. Here are five things that helped me with completing my MEng project:

  1. Agree on a clear project structure with your supervisor

Doing a project by yourself for six months can seem like a daunting task. Breaking it down into smaller parts can help you focus on one thing at a time and organise your time better. For example, my project had two main parts: the structural and morphological characterisation of the thin films that I synthesised, and the fabrication and characterisation of memristive devices. I decided to focus on the first part of my project during the first term and the second part during the second term. Other students did the bulk of their lab work in the first term and focused on data analysis in the second, as they had more lectures during the second term, or vice versa.

  1. Catch up with your group and supervisor frequently

Your supervisor is there to support you and to help you with understanding your results. Frequent catch-ups can prevent you from going down the wrong path and having to re-do a lot of experiments. You can also send them drafts of your literature review and thesis for feedback. Moreover, input from the group can be very helpful, so attending and presenting at group meetings is a great way to progress in your research. Often other members of the group know about helpful papers or tips on how to improve your experimental technique. Plus, it is a great way to practice presenting your results in a clear and structured manner!

  1. Document everything

During undergraduate labs, you are always told to keep a lab book, but sticking to it can be difficult, especially when there is so much to do in the lab. However, documenting every step you take during your project and making sure you document what happens to every sample you produce in detail can be very helpful when doing your data analysis. Often tiny changes in the experimental procedure can lead to big differences in your data. When writing your thesis it will be easier to understand where differences between similar samples stem from when you can look up the experimental procedures you followed for each sample. This will also help you stay consistent between experiments and choose the same experimental set-up every time, even when weeks pass between experiments.

  1. Organise your samples and data properly

Following up on documenting everything, organisation of your data and samples is key. Have a clear naming convention for each of your samples, and keep a document where you log when each sample was produced (and potentially if there was any deviation from the standard conditions). After you have collected your data, make sure to organise it in folders and with dates, so you can look up what you did on what day in your lab book. Make separate folders for data that you would like to include in your reports and presentations so that you don’t spend hours looking for it the night before your thesis is due!

  1. Practice your presentation (a lot!)

Since your final presentation will be in front of a panel of lecturers, who may not be an expert in your field, it is important that you can explain your project in terms simple enough for everyone to understand. It is often difficult to judge what is and what is not considered general knowledge, especially when you have dedicated the majority of your time to a single project over the past six months.

I found that practising your presentation with your research group will ensure that all your data is sensible and that what you say is factually correct. They will also be able to ask you challenging questions to prepare for the discussion after your presentation. However, your research group likely knows a lot about your topic and will not have difficulty understanding the content of your presentation. So practising with your friends from your course will give you a better understanding of whether your content is accessible to the panel.

Lastly, if you want to make sure that everyone understands what you are talking about, practice in front of family or friends with a non-material science background! Often they will ask great questions that can help you gauge your understanding of the topic as well!

Just started your first-year? Here’s five things you need to know

Francesca Manyonyi is in her third year at Imperial College London, studying in the Department of Materials. In this blog post, she shares her advice to our new first-year students, including five things she wishes she had known in her first year.

I’m now in my third year in the Department of Materials. Looking back, there are five things I would have told myself when I first joined if I had the chance – so I’m sharing these to let you have a head-start!

1. Make a plan and attend in-person classes

Studying can be fast-paced, so I’d recommend making a plan and an approach to studying. I’d recommend prioritising attending in-person lectures and being present at all workshops. Yes, lecture recordings are available online, but attending a lecture in person is invaluable as you can interact with the professor and your fellow students. Workshops are also a good opportunity to clarify any points of misunderstanding in a low-pressure environment. In my experience, they make the biggest difference in performance.

As for revision, each person can benefit from different strategies, and part of the purpose of the first year is discovering what works for you. My study methods have greatly evolved since the first term. The key is to remain consistent. Whatever your study method, make sure to maintain your efforts, and be quick to get back on track whenever you take a break from your routine.

2. Make use of the wide range of resources available 

While revision at university is self-driven, there are many resources available to help with studying.

There is academic support in the form of office hours with lecturers, and tutorial sessions with Professors and GTAs. Our Department also organises ‘Materials families’ – which are networks between first years and the year above, where academic support is exchanged.

There are about 120 students per year in the Department of Materials, therefore the informal infrastructure for academic support is very useful. I can’t count the number of times I’ve reached out to a GTA or someone in an upper year for guidance, and these interactions have been instrumental in securing my academic success.

We also have our own Student Wellbeing Advisor, Olly Swanton, who is available to support your mental health. Olly is also our Departmental Disability Officer and can support you if you need help or advice in this area.

3. Believe in yourself

A degree at Imperial College London is an accomplishment. That’s part of what makes it so valuable. But it’s important to remember that while you may have inevitable challenges, you are capable.

4. Don’t Be Afraid

It’s normal to feel intimidated when in a new environment, but never let that intimidation discourage you from doing what you enjoy and taking advantage of the opportunities available to you.

Being in your first year is a time to acclimatise at your pace and find your footing, but that can coexist with putting yourself out there. I’ve always been a reserved person but I applied to be a member of the Equality, Diversity and Culture Committee, and I was selected. I also applied to be a student ambassador, and I was selected. I ran for office in the Materials Society – and I was selected! In fact, the 2023-24 president of the Materials Society ran and won in his first year as well.

Do not be afraid to explore. Join any society that slightly interests you; run for any position you would enjoy, even if it feels unattainable. Reach for as many opportunities as you can. The ones that don’t work out, you won’t remember – let alone anyone else – and the ones that do will be so worth it.

5. Have Fun!

STEM courses, especially engineering degrees, are often very demanding and can seem all-consuming. However, the university is not just about academics – the best thing I’ve gained from my time at Imperial is the memories. I’ve made some of the best friendships of my life, and I’ve had the chance to enjoy so many once-in-a-lifetime experiences living independently in London.

A degree is meant to be pursued alongside other enjoyments of life, and university not only teaches academics but also the invaluable skill of balancing career pursuits with a rich and full life. Your time at Imperial will be memorable and I wish you all the best!

Postdoc spotlight: Dr Cindy Tseng on new catalyst materials for energy futures

Dr Cindy Tseng is a Research Associate in the Department of Materials. Her research investigates new materials that could produce green hydrogen cheaply and more efficiently for renewable energy applications. In this new blog post, she shares more about her research, how it could make an impact and what she enjoys outside of research.

What inspired you to become a Materials Scientist?

I wanted to make a meaningful impact by working towards sustainable research. My PhD was very focused on fundamental studies, which helped me develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills. However, for my next academic chapter, I wanted to be more involved in renewable energy applications. A major challenge in this field is gaining a better understanding of catalyst materials so we can design alternatives that are easier to scale up. 

How would you explain your research to someone outside the field?

I am investigating new materials that can produce green hydrogen cheaply and, ideally, more efficiently for renewable energy applications.

Cindy working at Imperial College London

Why did you study this area, and why is it important?

Materials are crucial because many green hydrogen technologies depend on precious metals as active materials. Unfortunately, the limited availability and high cost of these metals pose significant challenges to scaling up these technologies to meet global energy demands. And therefore, there is a pressing need to develop methods to reduce the reliance on these precious metals. I chose to stay in this field not only because of its importance but also because you can study a lot of interesting and fun (shiny) materials like gold, platinum, and iridium. 

How could this research make an impact?

Success in my research means discovering and designing new catalyst materials that can lead the way in producing green hydrogen, the future fuel for electricity and other energy needs. This progress will significantly advance our efforts to fight global warming and achieve net-zero emissions by around 2050.

Who do you collaborate with at Imperial and beyond?

My research is collaborative and involves a large team of many people. Some include but are not limited to, Lucas Garcia-Verga, Alice Meng, Guangmeimei Yang, Caiwu Liang, Reshma Rao, Daniele Benetti, and Hanzhi Ye. Beyond Imperial, I collaborate with the University of Manchester, the University of Cambridge, BP, Diamond Light Source, and Teer Coatings.

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

Cindy and the group of Professor Stephens during Pride Month.

The people. Imperial is one of the leading universities equipped with cutting-edge instruments that allow me to push the boundaries of my research. But what I value most is working with my colleagues and bosses. You can find smart people at any good university, but here, I’m surrounded by incredibly helpful, understanding, and fun colleagues who have become some of my closest friends. They make going to work enjoyable and help brighten gloomy (figuratively and literally) days when things don’t work, which is all the time. At work, I feel safe to ask questions and learn. Besides having the tools to excel as a researcher, I’m also growing in essential soft skills like clear communication, empathy for others, and data organisation.

What do you enjoy outside of research?

I enjoy exploring new bakeries—I am on a mission to find the best carrot cake and Japanese cheesecake. To relieve stress, I enjoy taking high-intensity workout classes and watching horror movies (although that adds stress to most people!).

What’s something your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you?

I was cast for a Burger King Whoppers commercial in Los Angeles when I did my PhD there.

Postdoc Spotlight: Dr Sam Rogers on alloys for aerospace and nuclear

Dr Sam Rogers is a Research Associate in the Department of Materials, having first joined the department as an undergraduate student in 2013. His research focuses on alloys for aerospace and nuclear applications. In this new blog post, he shares more about his research, why it’s important and how this research could make an impact.

What inspired you to become a Materials Scientist?

I’ve always enjoyed figuring out how things work, and then problem-solving off the back of that, and Materials Science is all about that! Whilst the length scale we look at is typically very small, they can have profound effects. For example, if we add some chromium and nickel to steel, we make stainless steel, which won’t rust. These are the kinds of problems I’ve always enjoyed figuring out and which I now enjoy working on!

How would you explain your research to someone outside the field?

The fundamental question which my work is based is ‘how can I make the best alloy (metallic mixture) for a specific application?’ Typically I research materials for aerospace and nuclear applications, but the process is the same for any application, which makes it very versatile, and it’s nice a simple: it’s a bit like baking a cake! Alloy development is figuring out what ingredients (elements) we need for the right flavour (whatever properties we’re interested in!), whilst process development is figuring out the instructions we need to make our cake (alloy!). Another way to think about it is the modern equivalent to blacksmithing!

Why did you study this area and why is it important?

When I began studying materials science, I most enjoyed the modules related to metals and alloys, and I love the fact that simple concepts can be brought together in interesting and new ways to make new materials. As we continue to come up with new ideas for technology and machines, we need materials which will be suitable for these applications, in addition to improving the existing materials we use. In addition, we want to be able to recycle more materials than we have in the past, but first we need to figure out the technology and processes that will enable us to do this.

How could this research make an impact?

The outcome of my present work is focused on further improving safety in nuclear systems by reducing our use of cobalt alloys. Given the increased reliance on nuclear power in Europe and beyond, it’s important that we do all we can to ensure safety in and around nuclear systems under any circumstance.

Another portion of my work is to improve the materials we use in jet engines, primarily to improve component lifetimes. By improving component lifetimes, we need to manufacture less of a given component, which can help reduce energy consumption. When scaled up to all flights used, this can make a big saving in total!

Who do you collaborate with at Imperial and beyond?

My chief industrial collaborators are Rolls-Royce, and I also work with various universities in the UK and across Australia.

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

I particularly enjoy the problem-solving part of my job, coming up with solutions to problems that others haven’t yet been able to solve!

What do you enjoy outside of research?

Outside of research I really enjoy music – both playing and listening to it, and also playing video games! I’m also really involved in my church and love getting stuck in there!

What’s something your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you?

I can ride a unicycle!

Alumni Spotlight: Benjamin Nicholas

Name: Benjamin Nicholas

Degree: MEng Materials Science and Engineering in the Department of Materials

Graduation Year: 2019

Current role: Manufacturing Development Engineer

What is your current job?

I am a Manufacturing Development Engineer working within the Manufacturing and Materials Research team at BAE Systems Air.

What do you do in your job?

I develop techniques for applying new and novel materials to production and experimental fast jets, using additive manufacturing, robotics, lasers and more. I also work with our in-house simulation team to devise material specifications and standards for new products, qualify emerging materials for use on operational aircraft and foster relationships with our industrial and academic partners to improve our in-house capabilities, ensuring we remain at the forefront of technology.

Why did you choose a career in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)?

Coming out of university, I wanted to apply what I had learnt in an industry that would allow me to work at the highest levels of technological advancement and play a part in creating a physical product that would make a tangible impact on people’s lives. I have fond memories of going to Air Shows and Expos as a child and seeing all the fantastic examples of engineering on display. Now, I can contribute to the technology of today, and hopefully, in a generation or two, there will be a similar child marvelling at something I have created.

What did you enjoy most about the course at Imperial?

Learning about not only the theory and design of new materials, but their applications in industry and how they affect our day-to-day lives, whether we are aware of it or not. Materials Science is very lightly touched upon at the school level, so the course really opened my eyes to the ways Materials Science has shaped human civilisation and continues to do so today. Materials Science unifies the Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Engineering we learn in school into one multi-disciplinary subject and is therefore, in my opinion, the best way to apply all the knowledge I learnt in school to the fullest extent.

What is the coolest thing you have done in your career so far?

Seeing a Eurofighter Typhoon take off with full afterburners is a good perk!

What is your favourite material (and why)?

Metallic glass has to take the top spot for me. It is a relatively new material but mature enough to have applications outside of the theoretical sphere. I look forward to seeing the potential to create the material in bulk (and additively at that!) and exploit its unique properties.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell myself to make the most of my summer holidays; you don’t get them once you’re working!